Civil War

Showtunes - Civil War

  • Release date: 1999
  • Genre: Showtunes/Other
  • Format: M4A
  • not rated
  • Added May 22, 2007


1. Prologuenot rated0:00
2. Brother, My Brothernot rated0:00
3. Lincoln: The Better Angels Of Our Naturenot rated0:00
4. By The Sword / Sons Of Dixienot rated0:00
5. Tell My Fathernot rated0:00
6. My Name Is Frederick Douglassnot rated0:00
7. Freedom's Childnot rated0:00
8. Missing You (My Bill)not rated0:00
9. If Prayin Where Horsesnot rated0:00
10. Virginianot rated0:00
11. The Day The Sun Stood Stillnot rated0:00
12. Oh, Be Joyful !not rated0:00
13. Frederick Douglass: The Destiny Of Americanot rated0:00
14. Father How Long?not rated0:00
15. Reprise: Brother, My Brothernot rated0:00
16. A Nurse's Diarynot rated0:00
17. Still I Risenot rated0:00
18. River Jordannot rated0:00
19. Lincoln: The Bottom Is Out Of The Tubnot rated0:00
20. How Many Devils?not rated0:00
21. Old Gray Coatnot rated0:00
22. The White House At Nightnot rated0:00
23. Greenbacknot rated0:00
24. Sojourner Truth: Ain't I A Woman?not rated0:00
25. Somedaynot rated0:00
26. Regimental Drummernot rated0:00
27. I'll Never Pass This Way Againnot rated0:00
28. Lincoln: Letter To Miss Bixbynot rated0:00
29. Judgement Daynot rated0:00
30. Sarahnot rated0:00
31. The Honor Of Your Namenot rated0:00
32. Northbound Trainnot rated0:00
33. Last Waltz For Dixienot rated0:00
34. In Great Deedsnot rated0:00
35. The Glorynot rated0:00

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