Matthew Duffy
Here I Come

Matthew Duffy - Here I Come

  • Release date: 2003
  • Genre: Pop/General Pop
  • Format: CD
  • Duration: 51:19
  • not rated
  • Added May 22, 2007


1. Electric Shocknot rated3:34
2. Still a Thrillnot rated4:30
3. Blow Your Mindnot rated3:29
4. Sweet Ecstasynot rated4:40
5. Pleasenot rated3:23
6. Little Birdnot rated4:44
7. Protectionnot rated4:10
8. Here I Comenot rated4:12
9. Until the Endnot rated4:16
10. Risingnot rated4:39
11. Take to the Skynot rated3:54
12. Beautiful Releasenot rated5:45

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