Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Daft PunkRectifierDaft Punk-Tron Legacy2:14not ratedMP32010
Daft PunkRinzlerDaft Punk-Tron Legacy2:17not ratedMP32010
Daft PunkSolar SailerDaft Punk-Tron Legacy2:42not ratedMP32010
Daft PunkThe Game Has ChangedDaft Punk-Tron Legacy3:25not ratedMP32010
Daft PunkThe GridDaft Punk-Tron Legacy1:36not ratedMP32010
Daft PunkThe Son of FlynnDaft Punk-Tron Legacy1:35not ratedMP32010
Daft PunkTRON Legacy (End Titles)Daft Punk-Tron Legacy3:17not ratedMP32010
Daft PunkTron Legacy - SuiteDaft Punk-Tron Legacy27:23not ratedMP32010
Dale EvansAha, San AntoneRio Grande soundtrack0:44not ratedCD1950
Dale Evans & Roy RogersHappy Trails To YouWand'rin' Star And Other Movie And TV Songs2:59not ratedMP3
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show2:18not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show3:52not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show1:22not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show0:41not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show10:47not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show1:31not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show1:20not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show3:50not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show1:53not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show1:59not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show3:39not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show3:07not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show2:17not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show2:28not ratedCD
Dallwitz, BurkhardThe Truman Show0:47not ratedCD

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