Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Alan SilvestriCourt MartialThe A-Team3:09not ratedMP32010
Alan SilvestriCoy DogYoung Guns II (Intrada)2:39not ratedMP3
Alan SilvestriCrossroadsCast Away2:18not ratedMP32000
Alan SilvestriCrossroads & End CreditsCast Away (Complete)7:26not ratedMP32002
Alan SilvestriCruise ShipSiegfried & Roy: The Magic Box1:47not ratedMP31999
Alan SilvestriCrysta's JourneyFerngully - The Last Rainforest3:00not ratedCD1992
Alan SilvestriCure for the CurseVan Helsing (Complete Score)1:21not ratedMP32004
Alan SilvestriDad!Dutch (La-La Land 2010)0:16not ratedMP31991
Alan SilvestriDad's RecognitionSiegfried & Roy: The Magic Box4:44not ratedMP31999
Alan SilvestriDaley DevicesNight at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian0:35not ratedMP32009
Alan SilvestriDan Smacks JudithShattered'1:24not ratedCD1991
Alan SilvestriDan's Memory ReturnsShattered'1:52not ratedCD1991
Alan SilvestriDay Of InfamyTwo Soldiers (Isolated DVD Score)1:26not ratedMP32003
Alan SilvestriDeath Of ChavezYoung Guns II (Expanded)2:59not ratedMP3
Alan SilvestriDelivering The WarheadsG.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra7:24not ratedMP32009
Alan SilvestriDeLorean RevealBack to the Future - Intrada0:49not ratedMP31985
Alan SilvestriDeLorean RevealBack to the Future - Intrada0:43not ratedMP31985
Alan SilvestriDeploy The SharcsG.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra7:32not ratedMP32009
Alan SilvestriDesert CrushJudge Dredd [Complete Score]1:59not ratedMP32002
Alan SilvestriDestroying the rosesPractical Magic [Score]1:26not ratedMP31998
Alan SilvestriDevil's DealYoung Guns II (Intrada)1:27not ratedMP3
Alan SilvestriDiablo De FloresPractical Magic [Score]0:48not ratedMP31998
Alan SilvestriDillon's DeathPredator [Intrada Edit 2010]2:06not ratedMP3
Alan SilvestriDiner TonightThe Quick And The Dead (Complete)2:24not ratedMP31995
Alan SilvestriDiscoveryContact (complete)0:46not ratedMP31997

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