Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Victor YoungExit MusicAround the World in 80 Days5:05not ratedMP31956
Victor YoungExit MusicShane - Tribute To Victor Young1:56not ratedCD1996
Victor YoungFather And SonScaramouche1:15not ratedMP31952
Victor YoungFather O'SheaThe Left Hand Of God3:09not ratedMP3
Victor YoungFather O'SheaThe Left Hand Of God3:10not ratedMP3
Victor YoungFeather Dance A)Shane - Tribute To Victor Young1:04not ratedCD1996
Victor YoungFeather Dance B)Shane - Tribute To Victor Young0:49not ratedCD1996
Victor YoungFinaleThe Left Hand Of God1:11not ratedMP3
Victor YoungFinaleThree Coins In The Fountain1:21not ratedMP31954
Victor YoungFinaleThe Classic Film Music of Victor Young3:02not ratedMP31998
Victor YoungFinale (alternate)The Left Hand Of God2:29not ratedMP3
Victor YoungFinale Act OneAround the World in 80 Days1:04not ratedMP31956
Victor YoungFinale and End TitleThe Quiet Man2:09not ratedMP3
Victor YoungFinale/End TitleShane1:45not ratedMP3
Victor YoungFor Whom The Bell TollsShane - Tribute To Victor Young8:41not ratedCD1996
Victor YoungFor Whom The Bell TollsBest 203:07not ratedMP31992
Victor YoungFrancesThree Coins In The Fountain1:03not ratedMP31954
Victor YoungGabby and the King - The Tower - The ArchersThe Classic Film Music of Victor Young7:19not ratedMP31998
Victor YoungGalway Bay (Vocal)The Quiet Man2:27not ratedMP3
Victor YoungGavrillac / Andre And AlineScaramouche4:45not ratedMP31952
Victor YoungGiant in TowThe Classic Film Music of Victor Young1:34not ratedMP31998
Victor YoungGood MorningThree Coins In The Fountain1:00not ratedMP31954
Victor YoungGrandfather and the CliffThe Classic Film Music of Victor Young4:42not ratedMP31998
Victor YoungHebrew LamentShane - Tribute To Victor Young0:58not ratedCD1996
Victor YoungHi-Lili, Hi-LoBest 202:33not ratedMP31992

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