Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Various artistsKaplan, Sol - Titanic (1953 20th Century-Fox film Titanic)Titanic - The Ultimate Collection1:41not ratedCD2001
Various artistsKaprys A- moll (Paganini) - Kizliewski &TomaszewskiPopRock Classics2:45not ratedMP32001
Various artistsKarl Preusser - Dragonlance, Dragons of Autumn Twilight (Suite)Soundtrack 2008 - Vol 1014:59not ratedMP3
Various artistsKate Bush - Woman Of IrelandThe Celtic Circle2:53not ratedMP3
Various artistsKay's RoomConsenting Adults3:21not ratedCD
Various artistsKay, SoftlyConsenting Adults2:04not ratedCD
Various artistsKeep On Doin'Youngbloodnot ratedM4A
Various artistsKeeping Up AppearancesBBC TV Themes Collection (Volume 2)1:04not ratedMP3
Various artistsKenji Kawai - Eden Of The East (Suite)Compil 2009 - Vol 349:51not ratedMP3
Various artistsKenji Kawai - Ghost In The Shell 2.0 (Suite)Soundtrack 2008 - Vol3913:58not ratedMP3
Various artistsKenji Kawai - Ip Man (Suite)Soundtrack 2008 - Vol4411:17not ratedMP3
Various artistsKenji Kawai - l change the world (Suite)Soundtrack 2008 - Vol 0110:41not ratedMP3
Various artistsKenji Kawai - Mobile suit Gundam 00 (vol.2) (Suite)Soundtrack 2008 - Vol 0610:11not ratedMP3
Various artistsKerry Muzzey - Hole in the Paper Sky (Suite)Soundtrack 2008 - Vol 059:01not ratedMP3
Various artistsKevin Manthei - Justice League, the new Frontier (Suite)Soundtrack 2008 - Vol 0710:08not ratedMP3
Various artistsKevin Riepl - Gears of War 2 (rejected score) (Suite)Compil 2009 - Vol 2810:48not ratedMP3
Various artistsKevin Wood - Many Voices, One Spirit (Meditative Mix)Synergy5:01not ratedMP32009
Various artistsKhaine's WrathDawn Of War 24:39not ratedMP32009
Various artistsKick StartBBC TV Themes Collection (Volume 2)3:10not ratedMP3
Various artistsKing Solomon's Mines (End Credits)Best of Adventure4:09not ratedCD
Various artistsKingsmen SignYoungbloodnot ratedM4A
Various artistsKlaus Badelt - Le Petit Nicolas (Suite)Compil 2009 - Vol 3510:01not ratedMP3
Various artistsKlaus Badelt - The Scorpion King 2 - Rise of a Warrior (End Credits)Compil 2009 - Vol 213:30not ratedMP3
Various artistsKlaus Badelt - TMNT (Promo 2007) SuiteCompil 2009 - Vol 1812:09not ratedMP3
Various artistsKnowing when to leaveBest Of Burt Bacharach2:49not ratedMP3

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