Artist![]() |
Title | Album | Duration | Rating | Format | Released |
Vangelis | Vangelis - Cousteau - 26. Hommage II | Cousteau | 2:00 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Vangelis_-_LApocalypse_Des_Animaux_-_06_.Creation_Du_Monde | Apocalypse Animaux | 10:08 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Vangelis_-_LApocalypse_Des_Animaux_-_04_.La_Mort_Du_Loup | Apocalypse Animaux | 3:07 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Vangelis_-_LApocalypse_Des_Animaux_-_05_.LOurs_Musicien | Apocalypse Animaux | 1:05 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Vangelis_-_LApocalypse_Des_Animaux_-_01_.Apocalypse_Des_Animaux_-_Generique | Apocalypse Animaux | 1:28 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Vangelis_-_LApocalypse_Des_Animaux_-_02_.La_Petite_fille_de_la_Mer | Apocalypse Animaux | 6:01 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Vangelis_-_LApocalypse_Des_Animaux_-_07_.La_Mer_Recommeencee | Apocalypse Animaux | 5:59 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Vangelis_-_LApocalypse_Des_Animaux_-_03_.Le_Singe_Bleu | Apocalypse Animaux | 7:42 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Voices | Voices | 24:19 | not rated | MP3 | 1995 |
Vangelis | Wait For Me | Blade Runner. (Esper Edition) | 5:11 | not rated | MP3 | 1982 |
Vangelis | Wake Up | It's Five O'clock | 4:02 | not rated | MP3 | 1969 |
Vangelis | Walking Away | Francesco | 1:19 | not rated | MP3 | 1989 |
Vangelis | Watch Out | Earth | 11:43 | not rated | MP3 | 1973 |
Vangelis | We Were All Uprooted | Earth | 28:09 | not rated | MP3 | 1973 |
Vangelis | Weird Feeling | Bitter Moon | 0:13 | not rated | MP3 | 1992 |
Vangelis | West Across The Ocean | 1492 - Conquest Of Paradise | 2:55 | not rated | MP3 | 1992 |
Vangelis | West Across the Ocean Sea | Cousteau's Dream - A Benefit Album | 2:41 | not rated | MP3 | 2000 |
Vangelis | West Across The Ocean Sea | Reprise 1990-1999 | 11:18 | not rated | MP3 | 2000 |
Vangelis | When Death Strikes | Francesco | 0:29 | not rated | MP3 | 1989 |
Vangelis | When Soldiers Die | de nuremberg a nuremberg | 0:22 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | When Soldiers Fight | de nuremberg a nuremberg | 0:16 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Wind of Antarctica | Antarctica (Arkhan Version) | 2:22 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Winter in Antarctica | Antarctica (Arkhan Version) | 0:40 | not rated | MP3 | |
Vangelis | Wisdom Chain | Page Of Life | 18:40 | not rated | MP3 | 1991 |
Vangelis | Wounded Animals | Blade Runner - Definitive Collectors Edition | 10:56 | not rated | MP3 | 2005 |