Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Trevor MorrisCardinal Wolsey's SecretsThe Tudors (Season 1)0:58not ratedMP32007
Trevor MorrisCesare And Lucrezia's ThemeThe Borgias1:32not ratedMP32011
Trevor MorrisCesare And Ursula Make LoveThe Borgias1:09not ratedMP32011
Trevor MorrisCesare Angry With MichelettoThe Borgias1:05not ratedMP32011
Trevor MorrisCesare Fights The BaronThe Borgias1:19not ratedMP32011
Trevor MorrisChristmas TideThe Tudors (Season 3)1:08not ratedMP32010
Trevor MorrisConfessionalThe Borgias2:25not ratedMP32011
Trevor MorrisConfessions & ArrestsThe Tudors - Season 22:15not ratedMP32009
Trevor MorrisCromwell Dispatches The LetterThe Tudors (Season 3)1:12not ratedMP32010
Trevor MorrisCromwell Is ArrestedThe Tudors (Season 3)1:10not ratedMP32010
Trevor MorrisCromwell Is Led To His DeathThe Tudors (Season 3)3:27not ratedMP32010
Trevor MorrisCromwell Visits Anne Of ClevesThe Tudors (Season 3)3:11not ratedMP32010
Trevor MorrisCromwell's Shifting SandsThe Tudors - Season 21:53not ratedMP32009
Trevor MorrisCulpepper’s Secret RendezvousThe Tudors (Season 4)2:04not ratedMP32010
Trevor MorrisCummings' SuicideStealth2:33not ratedMP32005
Trevor MorrisDancing In The RainThe Tudors (Season 4)1:34not ratedMP32010
Trevor MorrisDeath of Col YunEStealth1:39not ratedMP32005
Trevor MorrisDella Rovere PlotsThe Borgias1:50not ratedMP32011
Trevor MorrisDereham TorturedThe Tudors (Season 4)0:39not ratedMP32010
Trevor MorrisDMZStealth4:09not ratedMP32005
Trevor MorrisDo Not Forsake MankindImmortals4:33not ratedMP32011
Trevor MorrisDreaming Of Killing Anne BoleynThe Tudors - Season 21:40not ratedMP32009
Trevor MorrisEDI Feels SorryStealth3:09not ratedMP32005
Trevor MorrisEDI is the Whole IdeaStealth1:15not ratedMP32005
Trevor MorrisEDI's ArrivalStealth1:54not ratedMP32005

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