Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Thomas NewmanShort-Term DoryFinding Nemo0:43not ratedCD2003
Thomas NewmanSitting StillThose Secrets (Varese Club Edition)not ratedMP3
Thomas NewmanSix Rivers to CrossOscar And Lucinda1:15not ratedCD
Thomas NewmanSkinny LenaThe Good German1:44not ratedMP32007
Thomas NewmanSleepoverPay it Forward4:33not ratedMP32000
Thomas NewmanSmokey LonesomeFried Green Tomatoes1:22not ratedCD1992
Thomas NewmanSnaky MessageLemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events2:33not ratedMP32004
Thomas NewmanSnowmanBrothers0:48not ratedMP32009
Thomas NewmanSoldBrothers1:27not ratedMP32009
Thomas NewmanSolitudeAngels In America3:12not ratedMP32003
Thomas NewmanSomeone ElseMeet Joe Black (Complete)5:22not ratedMP3
Thomas NewmanSomething to DoPhenomenon (Promo)not ratedMP3
Thomas NewmanSorry For NothingMeet Joe Black (Complete)0:48not ratedMP3
Thomas NewmanSpotty MonsterAngels In America0:48not ratedMP32003
Thomas NewmanSquishyFinding Nemo1:32not ratedCD2003
Thomas NewmanStatecraftThe Iron Lady3:41not ratedMP32011
Thomas NewmanStaticWall-E1:43not ratedMP32008
Thomas NewmanStay AwakeFinding Nemo1:47not ratedCD2003
Thomas NewmanSteady the BuffsThe Iron Lady4:51not ratedMP32011
Thomas NewmanStickballThe Good German0:28not ratedMP32007
Thomas NewmanStrandedTHREESOMEnot ratedMP31994
Thomas NewmanSubmit!Angels In America1:15not ratedMP32003
Thomas NewmanSuch a BoyThe Good German1:36not ratedMP32007
Thomas NewmanSwim DownFinding Nemo1:46not ratedCD2003
Thomas NewmanSwing ParliamentThe Iron Lady3:42not ratedMP32011

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