Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Thomas NewmanBlack AngelAngels In America4:10not ratedMP32003
Thomas NewmanBroom Of TruthAngels In America2:50not ratedMP32003
Thomas NewmanBrothers (Main Title)Brothers1:59not ratedMP32009
Thomas NewmanBrucker: Os JustiOscar And Lucinda4:41not ratedCD
Thomas NewmanBubble WrapWall-E0:50not ratedMP32008
Thomas NewmanBuddy ThreadgoodeFried Green Tomatoes1:19not ratedCD1992
Thomas NewmanBy CandlelightAmazing Stories Volume 20:31not ratedMP32006
Thomas NewmanCar TroublePay it Forward1:07not ratedMP32000
Thomas NewmanCards and DogsOscar And Lucinda1:03not ratedCD
Thomas NewmanCaught By the LawAmazing Stories Volume 21:46not ratedMP32006
Thomas NewmanCereal BumPay it Forward1:04not ratedMP32000
Thomas NewmanCheek To CheekMeet Joe Black (Complete)1:26not ratedMP3
Thomas NewmanChez OlafLemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events3:14not ratedMP32004
Thomas NewmanChicken WirePhenomenon (Promo)not ratedMP3
Thomas NewmanCold As IkeLemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events2:47not ratedMP32004
Thomas NewmanCold Lamb SandwichMeet Joe Black (Complete)1:47not ratedMP3
Thomas NewmanCold MorningThose Secrets (Varese Club Edition)not ratedMP3
Thomas NewmanCome Out JerryPay it Forward1:10not ratedMP32000
Thomas NewmanCommunity ChargeThe Iron Lady2:02not ratedMP32011
Thomas NewmanConcerning Aunt JosephineLemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events2:10not ratedMP32004
Thomas NewmanConcupiscenceTHREESOMEnot ratedMP31994
Thomas NewmanConsiderable GrooveThose Secrets (Varese Club Edition)not ratedMP3
Thomas NewmanCosmic AristotlePay it Forward1:55not ratedMP32000
Thomas NewmanCountess RoundheelsThe Good German1:22not ratedMP32007
Thomas NewmanCrackheadThose Secrets (Varese Club Edition)not ratedMP3

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