Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The WhoWho Are YouCSI Score3:27not ratedMP3
The Wild BunchJerry FieldingThe Wild Bunch2:55not ratedCD1993
The Winged HorseThe Flying Carpet from the thief of bagdadThe Silents3:57not ratedCD
The Wonderful World Of ColorIm Professor Ludwig Von DrakeDisney 60 Years Musical Journey2:13not ratedMP3
The Wrap UpFinaleHammett4:57not ratedCD
The YellowjacketsBallad of the WhaleStar Trek IV - The Voyage Home5:04not ratedMP31986
The YellowjacketsMarket StreetStar Trek IV - The Voyage Home4:42not ratedMP31986
Theodore Shapiro10 Pounds - Wrestling Patty - Great Day for WomenDiary Of A Wimpy Kid1:15not ratedMP3
Theodore Shapiro400 Million DollarsFun with Dick & Jane1:54not ratedMP32005
Theodore Shapiro51st FloorFun with Dick & Jane0:31not ratedMP32005
Theodore ShapiroA Better Idea - Class FavoritesDiary Of A Wimpy Kid0:58not ratedMP3
Theodore ShapiroA Call From The JointStarsky & Hutch0:49not ratedMP3
Theodore ShapiroA Game Called FreezeDiary Of A Wimpy Kid1:20not ratedMP3
Theodore ShapiroA Plane For MirandaThe Devils Wears Prada (Oscar Promo)1:23not ratedMP32006
Theodore ShapiroAiming For DavidStarsky & Hutch0:46not ratedMP3
Theodore ShapiroAmeribank RobberyFun with Dick & Jane2:28not ratedMP32005
Theodore ShapiroAndrea Can't Speak To MirandaThe Devils Wears Prada (Oscar Promo)1:45not ratedMP32006
Theodore ShapiroAndrea Finds the MockupThe Devils Wears Prada (Oscar Promo)1:16not ratedMP32006
Theodore ShapiroAndrea Goes UpstairsThe Devils Wears Prada (Oscar Promo)0:50not ratedMP32006
Theodore ShapiroApple FightDiary Of A Wimpy Kid1:08not ratedMP3
Theodore ShapiroAt the HotelThe Devils Wears Prada (Oscar Promo)0:36not ratedMP32006
Theodore ShapiroBank PlanFun with Dick & Jane1:46not ratedMP32005
Theodore ShapiroBay City Police StationStarsky & Hutch0:50not ratedMP3
Theodore ShapiroBig Wheel Accident - Sympathy SheetDiary Of A Wimpy Kid0:38not ratedMP3
Theodore ShapiroBlack JackFun with Dick & Jane2:35not ratedMP32005

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