Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
The London POLAR BEAR OrchestraLars und Greta füttern den RiesenfischDer kleine Eisbär 21:45not ratedMP3
The London POLAR BEAR OrchestraPartytimeDer kleine Eisbär 22:20not ratedMP3
The London POLAR BEAR OrchestraRobby trifft IguanitaDer kleine Eisbär 20:55not ratedMP3
The London POLAR BEAR OrchestraWarnung vor den MenschenDer kleine Eisbär 20:16not ratedMP3
The London POLAR BEAR OrchestraWillkommen auf der InselDer kleine Eisbär 21:06not ratedMP3
The London POLAR BEAR OrchestraZurück zum NordpolDer kleine Eisbär 20:31not ratedMP3
The London Symphony OrchestraAlfred/Tristan/The Colonel/The Legend...Legends of the Fall - Complete Recording15:09not ratedMP31994
The Lost WorldThemeThe Great Movie Scores From The Films Of Steven Spielberg3:27not ratedMP31999
The Magnificent SevenElmer BernsteinThe Wild Bunch5:39not ratedCD1993
The Mamas And The PapasCalifornia Dreamin'Le Voyage Extraordinaire De Samy2:39not ratedMP32010
The Manhattan TransferChoo Choo Ch'BoogieA League of Their Own2:58not ratedMP31992
The Manhattan TransferThe Sunny Side of the StreetA League of Their Own3:20not ratedMP31992
The Marsden MansionNo more gunsOldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All5:48not ratedCD1994
The Mickey Mouse ClubMickey Mouse March (the Mickey Mouse Club)Disney 60 Years Musical Journey2:42not ratedMP3
The MidwifeTalking about the pastOldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All2:25not ratedCD1994
The Military Band of the Queen's RegimentSoldiers of the QueenThe Iron Lady0:50not ratedMP32011
The Mills Brothers23 Miss YouPearl Harbor Complete2:33not ratedMP32001
The Mills BrothersCaravan (Oak Hill)Mafia-The City of Lost Heaven2:39not ratedMP3
The Mills BrothersChinatown, My Chinatown (Chinatown)Mafia-The City of Lost Heaven2:37not ratedMP3
The Missa Luba (arr. Guido Haazen)SanctusCinema Choral Classics II2:49not ratedMP31998
The MonkeesI Wanna Be Free (bonus)Echoes of the Rainbow2:27not ratedMP32010
The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of CanterbThe MarriageThe Royal Wedding – The Official Album0:26not ratedMP34/29/2011
The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of CanterbThe VowsThe Royal Wedding – The Official Album4:46not ratedMP34/29/2011
The Movie Screen OrchestraTwo Mules for Sister SaraSherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows2:34not ratedMP32011
The Movie Sound StudioChristopher Columbus-DiscoveryChristopher Columbus Concert Suite40:52not ratedMP32009

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