Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Shirley CaesarMoses The DelivererThe Prince of Egypt6:26not ratedMP31998
Shirley CaesarThe Town BurnsRosewood4:21not ratedMP31997
Shirley Walkera leakFinal Destination (Complete)3:31not ratedMP3
Shirley WalkerA Plea For HelpBatman: Mask of the Phantasm1:55not ratedCD1993
Shirley Walkera sudden guest of windFinal Destination (Complete)1:09not ratedMP3
Shirley Walkera visit with clearFinal Destination (Complete)1:21not ratedMP3
Shirley Walkeralex's aliveFinal Destination (Complete)0:51not ratedMP3
Shirley Walkeralex's revelation-the race against deathFinal Destination (Complete)8:12not ratedMP3
Shirley WalkerAssigment MarsSpace, Above and Beyond1:35not ratedMP3
Shirley Walkerbad guysBatman: The Animated Series0:17not ratedMP3
Shirley Walkerbad jokeBatman: The Animated Series0:20not ratedMP3
Shirley WalkerBatman's DestinyBatman: Mask of the Phantasm3:50not ratedCD1993
Shirley WalkerBen How Could YouWillard (Promo)1:10not ratedMP32003
Shirley Walkerbig troubleBatman: The Animated Series3:52not ratedMP3
Shirley Walkerboarding flight 180Final Destination (Complete)0:56not ratedMP3
Shirley Walkerburning leafsFinal Destination (Complete)0:14not ratedMP3
Shirley WalkerCall To The ArmsSpace, Above and Beyond2:18not ratedMP3
Shirley WalkerCAPTAIN COLD: Hot SpellThe Flash0:45not ratedMP32010
Shirley WalkerCAPTAIN COLD: No WitnessesThe Flash0:45not ratedMP32010
Shirley WalkerCAPTAIN COLD: Snow Dome/Iced Stiff/HypothermiaThe Flash3:13not ratedMP32010
Shirley WalkerCAPTAIN COLD: Solid Stiffs/Bomb Squad/The Cold Hand Of DeathThe Flash2:59not ratedMP32010
Shirley WalkerCAPTAIN COLD: The Ice Man Cometh/The Frozen Bus & Frozen Cops/The Big Chill/Julio, THE FLASH?The Flash2:12not ratedMP32010
Shirley WalkerChristmas ShoppingTurbulence1:59not ratedMP31996
Shirley WalkerDanny Elfman & Shirley WalkerThe Flash3:10not ratedMP3
Shirley Walkerdeath's designFinal Destination (Complete)2:41not ratedMP3

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