Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Marc ShaimanNorth Looks WestNorth2:18not ratedCD1994
Marc ShaimanOh! BrotherCity Slickers II1:25not ratedMP3
Marc ShaimanOn The TrailCity Slickers II0:48not ratedMP3
Marc ShaimanOur First Night / Set a Date / RallySpeechless2:00not ratedMP31994
Marc ShaimanOver The Buffalo's Back, Under The Frozen PeopleCity Slickers II2:27not ratedMP3
Marc ShaimanPep TalkA Few Good Men3:44not ratedMP31992
Marc ShaimanPlea BargainA Few Good Men2:19not ratedMP31992
Marc ShaimanPrelude / NytolSpeechless5:12not ratedMP31994
Marc ShaimanProctor Bribe / Annette Is Fired / Fight at the O.K. CorralSpeechless2:25not ratedMP31994
Marc ShaimanRace To The FinishNorth2:17not ratedCD1994
Marc ShaimanReal MenCity Slickers II0:47not ratedMP3
Marc ShaimanReunionNorth3:41not ratedCD1994
Marc ShaimanSecret Hand Holding / Debate EscapeSpeechless2:08not ratedMP31994
Marc ShaimanSign Language / Walking to the FountainSpeechless4:03not ratedMP31994
Marc ShaimanStars & Stripes ForeverA Few Good Men2:50not ratedMP31992
Marc ShaimanTexasNorth0:48not ratedCD1994
Marc ShaimanThe Map Is Real... And On FireCity Slickers II1:31not ratedMP3
Marc ShaimanThe RiverCity Slickers5:47not ratedCD1991
Marc ShaimanThe Secret SpotNorth2:43not ratedCD1994
Marc ShaimanThe StampedeCity Slickers II7:22not ratedMP3
Marc ShaimanThe World TravellerNorth1:38not ratedCD1994
Marc ShaimanThere's Gold In Them Thar HillsCity Slickers II4:58not ratedMP3
Marc ShaimanTo The Bat CaveCity Slickers II2:48not ratedMP3
Marc Shaimantrack 01The Kid (promo)6:46not ratedMP32000
Marc Shaimantrack 02The Kid (promo)2:03not ratedMP32000

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