Artist![]() |
Title | Album | Duration | Rating | Format | Released |
Marc Shaiman | North Looks West | North | 2:18 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | Oh! Brother | City Slickers II | 1:25 | not rated | MP3 | |
Marc Shaiman | On The Trail | City Slickers II | 0:48 | not rated | MP3 | |
Marc Shaiman | Our First Night / Set a Date / Rally | Speechless | 2:00 | not rated | MP3 | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | Over The Buffalo's Back, Under The Frozen People | City Slickers II | 2:27 | not rated | MP3 | |
Marc Shaiman | Pep Talk | A Few Good Men | 3:44 | not rated | MP3 | 1992 |
Marc Shaiman | Plea Bargain | A Few Good Men | 2:19 | not rated | MP3 | 1992 |
Marc Shaiman | Prelude / Nytol | Speechless | 5:12 | not rated | MP3 | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | Proctor Bribe / Annette Is Fired / Fight at the O.K. Corral | Speechless | 2:25 | not rated | MP3 | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | Race To The Finish | North | 2:17 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | Real Men | City Slickers II | 0:47 | not rated | MP3 | |
Marc Shaiman | Reunion | North | 3:41 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | Secret Hand Holding / Debate Escape | Speechless | 2:08 | not rated | MP3 | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | Sign Language / Walking to the Fountain | Speechless | 4:03 | not rated | MP3 | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | Stars & Stripes Forever | A Few Good Men | 2:50 | not rated | MP3 | 1992 |
Marc Shaiman | Texas | North | 0:48 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | The Map Is Real... And On Fire | City Slickers II | 1:31 | not rated | MP3 | |
Marc Shaiman | The River | City Slickers | 5:47 | not rated | CD | 1991 |
Marc Shaiman | The Secret Spot | North | 2:43 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | The Stampede | City Slickers II | 7:22 | not rated | MP3 | |
Marc Shaiman | The World Traveller | North | 1:38 | not rated | CD | 1994 |
Marc Shaiman | There's Gold In Them Thar Hills | City Slickers II | 4:58 | not rated | MP3 | |
Marc Shaiman | To The Bat Cave | City Slickers II | 2:48 | not rated | MP3 | |
Marc Shaiman | track 01 | The Kid (promo) | 6:46 | not rated | MP3 | 2000 |
Marc Shaiman | track 02 | The Kid (promo) | 2:03 | not rated | MP3 | 2000 |