Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Mancina, MarkOne FamilyTarzan3:48not ratedMP3
Mancina, MarkReturn To ParadiseReturn To Paradise4:15not ratedMP31998
Mancina, MarkSaya's DestinyBLOOD+ (Volume 1)2:32not ratedMP32006
Mancina, MarkSaya's VictoryBLOOD+ (Volume 1)3:34not ratedMP32006
Mancina, MarkShadowlandLion King, The (Broadway)4:28not ratedMP31997
Mancina, MarkThe RescueSpeed4:02not ratedMP31994
Mancina, MarkThey Live in YouLion King, The (Broadway)3:01not ratedMP31997
Mancina, MarkToys 'R' UsCommercials (Website Audio)1:37not ratedMP32007
Mancini, HenryLifeforce: End TitleSpace And Beyond4:00not ratedCD1996
Mandan CampOver The BitterrootsLewis & Clark (Great Journey West)4:12not ratedCD2002
Mandy PatinkinCamptown RacesJock Of The Bushveld2:28not ratedMP32011
Mandy PatinkinHessian BluesJock Of The Bushveld1:48not ratedMP32011
Mandy PatinkinShouldn't Have Done ItJock Of The Bushveld1:29not ratedMP32011
ManowarValhalla/Swords in the WindRing Of The Nibelungs5:53not ratedMP32004
Mansell, ClintDeat is the Road to AweThe Fountain8:25not ratedMP32006
Mansell, ClintDeath is a DiseaseThe Fountain2:34not ratedMP32006
Mansell, ClintFinish ItThe Fountain4:25not ratedMP32006
Mansell, ClintFirst SnowThe Fountain3:08not ratedMP32006
Mansell, ClintHoly Dread!The Fountain3:51not ratedMP32006
Mansell, ClintStay With MeThe Fountain3:36not ratedMP32006
Mansell, ClintThe Last ManThe Fountain6:09not ratedMP32006
Mansell, ClintTogether We Will Live ForeverThe Fountain5:01not ratedMP32006
Mansell, ClintTree of LifeThe Fountain3:44not ratedMP32006
Mansell, ClintXibalbaThe Fountain5:22not ratedMP32006
Mansfield DavidDead WaitTales from the Crypt4:03not ratedCD1989

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