Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Laurence RosenthalCountdownMeteor2:34not ratedMP31979
Laurence RosenthalCrossing the Deleware - Laurence RosenthalGeorge Washington2:21not ratedMP3
Laurence RosenthalCurse Ended/The Dancing GirlClash of the Titans1:59not ratedMP3
Laurence RosenthalDark ForcesWho'll Stop The Rain2:15not ratedMP31978
Laurence Rosenthaldays of youthBecket (Promo)1:44not ratedMP3
Laurence RosenthalDesertersYoung Indiana Jones Chronicles - Volume Four1:10not ratedCD
Laurence RosenthalDirgeProud Men (Intrada Signature Edition)1:32not ratedMP31987
Laurence RosenthalDoing UpWho'll Stop The Rain3:51not ratedMP31978
Laurence RosenthalDoll And LadderThe Miracle Worker4:41not ratedMP31962
Laurence RosenthalDreams and OmensClash of the Titans2:03not ratedMP3
Laurence RosenthalDubov's RageMeteor0:58not ratedMP31979
Laurence RosenthalEnd CreditsHeart Like A Wheel3:20not ratedMP31983
Laurence RosenthalEnd CreditsProud Men (Intrada Signature Edition)1:11not ratedMP31987
Laurence RosenthalEnd Credits (Orchestra Accompaniment Only Version)Heart Like A Wheel3:16not ratedMP31983
Laurence RosenthalEnd TitleLogan's Runnot ratedMP3
Laurence Rosenthalend titleBecket (Promo)1:44not ratedMP3
Laurence RosenthalEpilogue: Helen And AnnieThe Miracle Worker2:01not ratedMP31962
Laurence RosenthalFear FactorLogan's Runnot ratedMP3
Laurence RosenthalFight In The BakeryYoung Indiana Jones Chronicles - Volume Four2:12not ratedCD
Laurence RosenthalFonda Raceway / Shirley's First WinHeart Like A Wheel1:47not ratedMP31983
Laurence RosenthalFork In The RoadHeart Like A Wheel1:09not ratedMP31983
Laurence RosenthalFort Duquesne - Laurence RosenthalGeorge Washington4:02not ratedMP3
Laurence RosenthalFulfill Your Destiny (Chorus)Clash of the Titans1:10not ratedMP3
Laurence RosenthalFuturepastLogan's Runnot ratedMP3
Laurence RosenthalGeneral Rochambeau - Laurence RosenthalGeorge Washington2:13not ratedMP3

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