Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Koh OhtaniThe Sunlit EarthWander And The Colossus - Roar Of The Earth1:31not ratedMP32005
Koh OhtaniVoice Of The EarthShadow Of The Colossus0:27not ratedMP32005
Koh OhtaniVoice Of The Earth (Bonus Track)Wander And The Colossus - Roar Of The Earth0:27not ratedMP32005
Koh OhtaniWander's DeathWander And The Colossus - Roar Of The Earth0:46not ratedMP32005
Koh OhtaniWander's DeathShadow Of The Colossus0:46not ratedMP32005
Koh OhtaniWildernessShadow Of The Colossus0:28not ratedMP32005
Koh OhtaniWilderness (Bonus Track)Wander And The Colossus - Roar Of The Earth0:28not ratedMP32005
Kohichi SugiyamaBio WarsOriginal Film Soundtracks: The Best of GODZILLA 1984-19954:36not ratedMP31998
Kohichi SugiyamaEndingOriginal Film Soundtracks: The Best of GODZILLA 1984-19955:00not ratedMP31998
Kohichi SugiyamaScramble MarchOriginal Film Soundtracks: The Best of GODZILLA 1984-19954:27not ratedMP31998
Koichi SugiyamaAdventureWind Ensemble "Dragon Quest" Part.I3:17not ratedMP32010
Koichi SugiyamaAround the World (Street ~ Jipangu ~ Pyramid ~ Village)Wind Ensemble "Dragon Quest" Part.I7:11not ratedMP32010
Koichi SugiyamaAsukaGodzilla vs Biollantenot ratedMP3
Koichi SugiyamaBio-WarsGodzilla vs Biollantenot ratedMP3
Koichi SugiyamaBiollanteGodzilla vs Biollantenot ratedMP3
Koichi SugiyamaChateauDragon Quest I.II Symphonic Suite1:22not ratedMP31994
Koichi SugiyamaChateau LadutormWind Ensemble "Dragon Quest" Part.I3:42not ratedMP32010
Koichi SugiyamaChattingDragon Quest VIII Symphonic Suite2:45not ratedMP32005
Koichi SugiyamaCold and Gloomy ~ In the Dungeon DepthsDragon Quest VIII Symphonic Suite3:22not ratedMP32005
Koichi SugiyamaCountdownGodzilla vs Biollantenot ratedMP3
Koichi SugiyamaDevil's TowerDragon Quest I.II Symphonic Suite1:04not ratedMP31994
Koichi SugiyamaDistant JourneyDragon Quest I.II Symphonic Suite1:25not ratedMP31994
Koichi SugiyamaDormaguez ~ Great Battle in the Vast SkyDragon Quest VIII Symphonic Suite7:11not ratedMP32005
Koichi SugiyamaDragon Quest Concert - Selection (Overture ~ Endless World ~ Fighting Spirit ~ Into the Legend)Wind Ensemble "Dragon Quest" Part.I9:48not ratedMP32010
Koichi SugiyamaEndless UniverseDragon Quest I.II Symphonic Suite1:28not ratedMP31994

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