Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
James BrettShadowzoneDC021 - Horror1:45not ratedMP32000
James BrettShadowzone (Short)DC021 - Horror0:31not ratedMP32000
James BrettSleight Of HandDC017 - Epic Adventure1:30not ratedMP32000
James BrettSleight Of Hand (Short)DC017 - Epic Adventure0:36not ratedMP32000
James BrettSpawn Of The DeadDC021 - Horror1:45not ratedMP32000
James BrettSpawn Of The Dead (Short)DC021 - Horror0:31not ratedMP32000
James BrettStab In The DarkDC021 - Horror2:09not ratedMP32000
James BrettStab In The Dark (Short)DC021 - Horror0:30not ratedMP32000
James BrettStrike ForceDC017 - Epic Adventure3:31not ratedMP32000
James BrettStrike Force (Short)DC017 - Epic Adventure0:36not ratedMP32000
James BrettTomb ServiceDC021 - Horror2:11not ratedMP32000
James BrettTomb Service (Short)DC021 - Horror0:31not ratedMP32000
James BrettTour Of BeautyDC016 - Light Drama4:47not ratedMP32004
James BrettTrial And TerrorDC021 - Horror2:07not ratedMP32000
James BrettTrial And TerrorDC029 - Dark Drama 21:19not ratedMP32000
James BrettTrial And Terror (Short)DC029 - Dark Drama 20:31not ratedMP32000
James BrettTrial And Terror (Short)DC021 - Horror0:31not ratedMP32000
James BrettWizneylandDC024 - Fantasy 22:50not ratedMP32000
James BrettWizneyland (Short)DC024 - Fantasy 20:31not ratedMP32000
James CagneyMary's a Grand Old NameHooray4Hollywood2:11not ratedMP31991
James CarringtonHowling At The MoonJock Of The Bushveld3:09not ratedMP32011
James CovellBuck's MissionLeft Behind: The Original Motion Picture Score2:44not ratedCD2000
James CovellChloe's ChoiceLeft Behind: The Original Motion Picture Score2:57not ratedCD2000
James CovellDirk's in TroubleLeft Behind: The Original Motion Picture Score2:04not ratedCD2000
James CovellGoodbyesLeft Behind: The Original Motion Picture Score3:01not ratedCD2000

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