Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Harald KloserCelebrating10,000 B.C.1:27not ratedMP32008
Harald KloserClaustrophobiaDer Tunnel Score2:20not ratedMP3
Harald KloserCutting The RopeThe Day After Tomorrow3:29not ratedMP32004
Harald KloserDesertThe Thirteenth Floor2:29not ratedCD1999
Harald KloserDie Flucht Teil 1Der Tunnel Score6:20not ratedMP3
Harald KloserDie Flucht Teil 2Der Tunnel Score3:16not ratedMP3
Harald KloserDownloadingThe Thirteenth Floor4:35not ratedCD1999
Harald KloserDowntown L.A.The Thirteenth Floor1:40not ratedCD1999
Harald KloserEasy Come, Easy GoThe Thirteenth Floor3:30not ratedCD1999
Harald KloserEnd Credits10,000 B.C.2:58not ratedMP32008
Harald KloserEnd of the WorldThe Thirteenth Floor4:28not ratedCD1999
Harald KloserEve Of The Tiger10,000 B.C.1:42not ratedMP32008
Harald KloserFlatlinerThe Thirteenth Floor1:59not ratedCD1999
Harald KloserFood Found10,000 B.C.1:58not ratedMP32008
Harald KloserFritzi lebtDer Tunnel Score0:53not ratedMP3
Harald KloserFront Titles10,000 B.C.2:47not ratedMP32008
Harald KloserFuller Goes to SleepThe Thirteenth Floor4:22not ratedCD1999
Harald KloserHall Is DeadThe Thirteenth Floor3:37not ratedCD1999
Harald KloserHall's PlanThe Day After Tomorrow0:53not ratedMP32004
Harald KloserJane's ThemeThe Thirteenth Floor2:58not ratedCD1999
Harald KloserLocker ChaseThe Thirteenth Floor1:35not ratedCD1999
Harald KloserMeine Mama ist totDer Tunnel Score3:51not ratedMP3
Harald KloserMountain Of The Gods10,000 B.C.1:57not ratedMP32008
Harald KloserMoving10,000 B.C.1:15not ratedMP32008
Harald KloserMy Father10,000 B.C.1:07not ratedMP32008

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