Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Erich KunzelWarp-EightSymphonic Star Trek1:06not ratedCD1996
Erich KunzelWarp-OneSymphonic Star Trek0:15not ratedCD1996
Erich KunzelWarsaw ConcertoVictory at Sea8:42not ratedCD1989
Erich KunzelWaveSailing3:07not ratedCD1992
Erich KunzelWe're Losing Him from "Somewhere in Time"The Ultimate Movie Music Collection4:05not ratedMP32005
Erich KunzelWe're Losing Him from Somewhere in TimeMovie Love Themes4:05not ratedCD1991
Erich KunzelWestbound And DownDown On The Farm2:56not ratedMP31991
Erich KunzelWestern Medley - Richard HaymanRound-Up10:10not ratedCD1986
Erich KunzelWhen You Believe from "The Prince of Egypt"The Ultimate Movie Music Collection5:24not ratedMP32005
Erich KunzelWhen You Wish upon a Star [From Pinocchio]Disney Spectacular2:37not ratedMP31988
Erich KunzelWho's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? [From Three Little Pigs]Disney Spectacular1:38not ratedMP31988
Erich KunzelWilliam Tell Overture - Gioacchino RossiniRound-Up3:36not ratedCD1986
Erich KunzelWilliams: Indiana Jones & TheFantastic Journey4:51not ratedMP31990
Erich KunzelWilliams: Star Wars - The CantFantastic Journey3:09not ratedMP31990
Erich KunzelWizards and Warriors: Main TitlesThe Great Fantasy Adventure Album2:59not ratedMP31994
Erich KunzelWoe! The Darkman, Woe! from DarkmanBond and Beyond3:50not ratedCD1991
Erich KunzelYesterday, When I Was YoungDown On The Farm3:18not ratedMP31991
Erich Kunzel and the Cincinnati Pops OrchestraOverture from Captain BloodMovies Overtures3:28not ratedMP3
Erich Wolfang KorngoldCaptain Blood - OvertureMasters And Commanders. Music Fom Seafaring Film Classics3:27not ratedMP32007
Erich Wolfang KorngoldThe Sea Hawk - SuiteMasters And Commanders. Music Fom Seafaring Film Classics5:36not ratedMP32007
Erich Wolfgang Korngold01 FOUR SHAKESPEARE SONGS op.31_ -Rendez-vous with Korngoldnot ratedMP3
Erich Wolfgang Korngold01 VIER LIEDER DES ABSCHIEDS op.14Rendez-vous with Korngoldnot ratedMP3
Erich Wolfgang Korngold02 - II. Dies eine kann mein SehneRendez-vous with Korngoldnot ratedMP3
Erich Wolfgang Korngold02 - II. Under the Greenwood TreeRendez-vous with Korngoldnot ratedMP3
Erich Wolfgang Korngold03 - III. Blow, Blow, Thou WinterRendez-vous with Korngoldnot ratedMP3

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