Rachel Portman (26 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Rachel PortmanA Pyromaniac's Love StoryMP3*****1:12:31
Rachel PortmanBeauty And The Beast 2: The Enchanted ChristmasMP31997not rated47:11
Rachel PortmanBel AmiMP32012****48:16
Rachel PortmanBelovedMP31998****1:03:40
Rachel PortmanBenny & JoonMP31993***37:36
Rachel PortmanChocolatMP32001***41:40
Rachel PortmanEmperors New ClothesMP3**** 1/240:39
Rachel PortmanGrey GardensMP32009*** 1/239:39
Rachel PortmanHart's WarCD2002not rated45:10
Rachel PortmanInfamousMP32006***48:53
Rachel PortmanJoy Luck Club , TheCD1993not rated44:02
Rachel PortmanLife Is SweetMP3not rated1:02:57
Rachel PortmanMona Lisa SmileMP32003****31:45
Rachel PortmanOliver TwistMP32005****53:18
Rachel PortmanOnly YouMP31994*** 1/245:39
Rachel PortmanSirensMP3***40:52
Rachel PortmanSound TracksMP3not rated1:02:24
Rachel PortmanThe DuchessMP3not rated42:02
Rachel PortmanThe Lake HouseMP32006not rated49:13
Rachel PortmanThe Legend of Bagger VanceMP3not rated48:36
Rachel PortmanThe Manchurian CandidateMP3****1:01:02
Rachel PortmanThe Snow FlowerMP32011*****59:23
Rachel PortmanThe Truth About CharlieMP3not rated52:49
Rachel PortmanThe VowMP32012****26:42
Rachel PortmanThe Woman in BlackMP31989not rated22:13
Rachel PortmanWhere Angels Fear to TreadMP3****46:09