Joel McNeely (42 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Joel McNeelyAmerica's Heart and SoulMP32006not rated10:21
Joel McNeelyAnimated SuitesMP3not rated1:19:47
Joel McNeelyBuffalo SoldiersMP3not rated45:20
Joel McNeelyCinderella IIIMP32006not rated13:29
Joel McNeelyDark AngelMP32006not rated8:32
Joel McNeelyFilm Music - Demo for My Favorite MartianMP3not rated57:22
Joel McNeelyGhost of the AbyssMP32006not rated9:46
Joel McNeelyGhosts of the AbyssCDnot rated58:43
Joel McNeelyGold DiggersMP31995not rated41:49
Joel McNeelyGreat Moments with M.LincolnMP3not rated7:22
Joel McNeelyHolesMP32006not rated19:57
Joel McNeelyI Know Who Killed MeMP32007not rated43:16
Joel McNeelyIron WillMP32006not rated8:43
Joel McNeelyLilo and Stich 2MP32006not rated7:12
Joel McNeelyLover's PrayerCD2000not rated43:52
Joel McNeelyMulan IIMP32006not rated9:23
Joel McNeelyPooh's HeffalumpMP32006not rated12:06
Joel McNeelyRadioland MurdersMP32006not rated13:22
Joel McNeelyReturn to Never LandCD2001not rated53:52
Joel McNeelySUITES AND THEMES : Disney AnimatedMP3****1:31:51
Joel McNeelySally Hemings - An American ScandalCD1999not rated1:13:43
Joel McNeelySamanthaMP32006not rated3:58
Joel McNeelySoldierMP32006not rated14:46
Joel McNeelySquanto: A Warrior's TaleFLAC1994*****1:05:03
Joel McNeelyStar Wars - Shadows of the EmpireCD1996not rated51:26
Joel McNeelyStar Wars: Shadows of the EmpireMP31996not rated51:22
Joel McNeelySuitesMP3not rated41:03
Joel McNeelyTerminal VelocityMP32006not rated5:43
Joel McNeelyThe AvengersMP32006not rated11:06
Joel McNeelyThe Fox and the Hound 2MP32006not rated13:17
Joel McNeelyThe Jungle Book 2MP32006not rated2:36
Joel McNeelyThe Jungle Book 2MP3not rated21:31
Joel McNeelyTower of TerrorMP3not rated4:29
Joel McNeelyUptown GirlsMP32006not rated9:12
Joel McNeelyUptown Girls (Promo)MP32003not rated22:55
Joel McNeelyVirusMP32006not rated8:33
Joel McNeelyVirus (Bootleg)MP3not rated1:17:55
Joel McNeelyWild AmericaCDnot rated45:43
Joel McNeelyfilmworksMP3not rated2:07:27
McNeely, JoelHolesMP32004not rated36:04
McNeely, JoelTinker Bell (promo)MP32008****24:49
McNeely, JoelTinker Bell and the Lost Treasure (promo)MP32009*** 1/228:30