Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Hollywood Bowl OrchestraJourney to the StarsMP31995***1:13:00
Honegger, ArthurLes MisérablesCDnot rated58:58
Horner, JamesHouse of Sand and FogCD2003not rated1:09:46
Horner, JamesSomething Wicked This Way ComesCD1983not rated45:53
Horner, JamesThe Perfect StormCD2000not rated1:19:08
HorslipsThe Book Of Invasions; A Celtic SymphonyMP31977not rated41:08
Howard BlakeCantGhostMP3not rated44:02
Howard BlakeThe AvengersMP3not rated37:47
Howard BlakeThe Duellists - Riddle of the SandsMP3not rated1:13:48
Howard BlakeThe Lords Of DesciplineMP3not rated22:39
Howard GoodallThe Black AdderMP31995not rated35:52
Howard ShoreA Dangerous MethodMP32011*** 1/21:04:59
Howard ShoreA Kiss Before Dying (unreleased)MP31991not rated
Howard ShoreBigCDnot rated1:03:05
Howard ShoreCollector's Edition Vol. 1MP32009*** 1/244:10
Howard ShoreCosmopolisMP35/15/2012not rated40:24
Howard ShoreDogmaMP32000not rated41:30
Howard ShoreDoubt Score (Promo)MP3not rated16:28
Howard ShoreEastern PromisesMP32007not rated
Howard ShoreEdge of DarknessM4A2/1/2010****41:49
Howard ShoreEsther KahnFLAC2000***40:44
Howard ShoreHugoMP32011**** 1/21:07:27
Howard ShoreJourney Of The RingMP3*****1:19:19
Howard ShoreLord of the Rings SymphonyMP3not rated1:25:36
Howard ShoreM. ButterflyCDnot rated42:38

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