Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
David RoseBonanza and ChaparralMP3not rated30:47
David Shire2010MP31984***36:20
David ShireBed and BreakfastCDnot rated35:31
David ShireDavid Shire Film MusicMP3****1:13:51
David ShireLast Stand at Saber RiverCD1997not rated38:24
David ShireReturn To OzMP3not rated
David ShireThe Hindenburg (OST)MP31975not rated35:38
David ShireThe PromiseWMAnot rated32:29
David ShireZodiacMP32007not rated39:57
David TornThe OrderMP32003**45:43
David WhitakerThe Sword and the SorcererMP31982not rated1:09:27
David WilliamsSupernovaMP32000not rated55:58
David WilliamsThe ProphecyMP31995not rated54:59
Davis, CarlBen-HurCD1989not rated1:11:42
Davis, CarlIntoleranceCDnot rated1:15:32
Davis, CarlNapoleonCD1983not rated52:35
Davis, CarlThe Phantom of the OperaCD1925not rated1:07:05
Davis, CarlThe SilentsCDnot rated2:20:03
Davis, CarlThe SilentsCD1988not rated1:05:36
Davis, Carlwidows peakCDnot rated41:12
Debbie WisemanAbsolute TruthMP31998*****50:47
Debbie WisemanArsène LupinCD2004not rated1:13:53
Debbie WisemanFilm and Television Music of Debbie WisemanMP32002not rated54:06
Debbie WisemanFloodMP32007****1:05:03
Debbie WisemanLesbian Vampire KillersMP32009not rated54:14

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