Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Brian EnoThe Lovely Bones (Academy Promo)MP32010not rated14:40
Brian FaheyTime for TVMP31967not rated32:11
Brian KeaneKelebek (The Butterfly)MP32009*****1:40:43
Brian KeaneSüleyman the MagnificentMP31988****54:37
Brian KeaneThe Way WestMP31995*****1:07:11
Brian LockThe GamblerCD1997not rated1:06:29
Brian LockThe Land GirlsCD1998not rated54:10
Brian MayReturn to EdenMP31985not rated42:40
Brian TylerBartender [Promo Score]MP3not rated18:21
Brian TylerBattle: Los AngelesM4A2011not rated1:18:29
Brian TylerCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 3MP32011****1:18:46
Brian TylerChildren of DuneMP32003*****1:17:05
Brian TylerDragonball EvolutionMP32009not rated1:00:59
Brian TylerFast and the Furious, The (Score) [Academy Promo]MP32001not rated28:52
Brian TylerFast FiveMP3****1:19:34
Brian TylerFilm ScoresMP3*****37:23
Brian TylerFrailty (Complete score)MP3not rated50:58
Brian TylerLaw Abiding CitizenMP32009***54:55
Brian TylerLEGO UniverseMP32010**** 1/22:00:51
Brian TylerMiddle MenMP3not rated47:31
Brian TylerPartitionMP32007not rated1:18:43
Brian TylerRamboMP3not rated1:15:40
Brian TylerShadow HoursMP3***51:32
Brian TylerStar Trek Enterprise: CanamarMP3*** 1/230:16
Brian TylerStar Trek Enterprise: RegenerationsMP3*** 1/224:33

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