Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Murray GoldDocter Who Season 6MP32011not rated2:21:56
Murray GoldDoctor WhoWMA2007not rated1:16:31
Mychael and Jeff DannaCamelotMP32011**** 1/248:46
Mychael DannaA Celtic Romance: The Legend of Lladain and CurithurMP31998*****46:32
Mychael DannaAntwone FisherMP32002not rated35:31
Mychael DannaAraratMP32002not rated48:35
Mychael DannaBounceMP32000not rated
Mychael DannaBreachMP32007not rated35:35
Mychael DannaCapoteMP32005not rated1:16:26
Mychael DannaDays of SummerMP32009*** 1/235:00
Mychael DannaGreen DragonMP32002not rated45:38
Mychael DannaHearts In Atlantis (Promo Score)MP3not rated34:22
Mychael DannaLiliesMP3not rated
Mychael DannaLittle Miss SunshineMP32006not rated46:25
Mychael DannaMoneyballMP32011***48:55
Mychael DannaMonsoon Wedding SoundtrackMP32001not rated1:02:27
Mychael DannaRegenerationMP31998not rated42:32
Mychael DannaRide With the DevilMP32001not rated53:27
Mychael DannaSnow WalkerMP32003not rated47:49
Mychael DannaSurf's UpMP3not rated28:15
Mychael DannaThe Nativity StoryMP32006not rated1:07:54
Mychael DannaThe Time Traveler's WifeMP32009****55:08
Mychael DannaTidelandMP32006not rated49:26
Mychael DannaWaterMP32005not rated59:45
Mychael DannaWhere the Truth LiesMP32005not rated46:28

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