Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
John OttmanFantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver SurferMP32007not rated51:41
John OttmanFantasy IslandMP31998not rated23:25
John OttmanIncognitoCDnot rated49:46
John OttmanInvasionMP3not rated
John OttmanKiss Kiss Bang BangMP32005not rated53:04
John OttmanOrphanMP37/21/2009not rated54:57
John OttmanPoint Of OriginMP32003not rated
John OttmanPortrait Of TerrorCD1998not rated50:51
John OttmanSnow White: A Tale Of TerrorCD1996not rated1:00:41
John OttmanSuperman ReturnsMP32006not rated54:59
John OttmanSuperman Returns CompleteMP32006not rated1:45:26
John OttmanThe Cable GuyCDnot rated27:24
John OttmanUnknownMP3****53:43
John OttmanUrban Legends: Final CutCD2000not rated1:14:10
John OttmanValkyrieMP32008*** 1/21:03:26
John OttmanX-Men 2 (complete)CDnot rated1:38:36
John PowellBolt (Oscar Promo)MP3***1:08:21
John PowellChicken RunCD2000not rated1:03:06
John PowellCody BanksMP3not rated1:13:53
John PowellEnduranceCD1999not rated50:42
John PowellFace/Off CompleteMP3not rated2:07:59
John PowellFilm Music Of John PowellMP3not rated
John PowellForces of Nature (Promo)MP31999not rated41:14
John PowellGreen ZoneMP32010not rated52:55
John PowellHancockMP32008not rated44:37

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