Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Joel McNeelyThe AvengersMP32006not rated11:06
Joel McNeelyThe Fox and the Hound 2MP32006not rated13:17
Joel McNeelyThe Jungle Book 2MP3not rated21:31
Joel McNeelyThe Jungle Book 2MP32006not rated2:36
Joel McNeelyTower of TerrorMP3not rated4:29
Joel McNeelyUptown GirlsMP32006not rated9:12
Joel McNeelyUptown Girls (Promo)MP32003not rated22:55
Joel McNeelyVirusMP32006not rated8:33
Joel McNeelyVirus (Bootleg)MP3not rated1:17:55
Joel McNeelyWild AmericaCDnot rated45:43
Johan De MeijSymphony No. 1: "The Lord Of The Rings"MP31984not rated42:45
Johan HoogewijsLife in One DayMP32009** 1/21:04:35
John AddisonGrace QuigleyMP31984****53:27
John AddisonSleuthMP31972not rated37:19
John AddisonSwashbucklerMP31976*** 1/233:23
John AddisonTorn CurtainCDnot rated29:47
John Barry40 YearsMP32001*****4:18:39
John BarryAlice Adventures in WonderlandMP3not rated41:30
John BarryAmericansMP31975not rated
John BarryBond: Back In ActionCD1999not rated1:14:12
John BarryBoomMP3*** 1/231:47
John BarryChaplinCD1992not rated49:33
John BarryDances With Wolves - ExpandedMP3not rated1:15:42
John BarryDeadfallMP31968not rated40:22
John BarryElizabeth Taylor in LondonMP31963not rated33:23

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