Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Jerry GoldsmithThe Going Up David LevMP3**** 1/233:40
Jerry GoldsmithThe Great Train Robbery (Complete)MP32011not rated1:36:55
Jerry GoldsmithThe Great Train Robbery (Deluxe Edition)MP3not rated36:28
Jerry GoldsmithThe HauntingMP31999not rated35:12
Jerry GoldsmithThe Homecoming, A Christmas StoryMP31971not rated41:10
Jerry GoldsmithThe Illustrated ManMP3not rated41:54
Jerry GoldsmithThe Jerry Goldsmith Song BookMP3not rated1:56:13
Jerry GoldsmithThe Last CastleMP32001*** 1/243:01
Jerry GoldsmithThe Last RunMP3not rated29:47
Jerry GoldsmithThe List of Adrian MessengerMP3not rated40:06
Jerry GoldsmithThe Lonely Guy (Complete)MP31984not rated1:00:15
Jerry GoldsmithThe Mephisto WaltzCD1997not rated56:23
Jerry GoldsmithThe Mummy (Complete Score)MP31999not rated1:50:07
Jerry GoldsmithThe Omen (The Deluxe Edition)MP3not rated49:12
Jerry GoldsmithThe Omen IIMP31988not rated34:15
Jerry GoldsmithThe Omen III: The Final Conflict (Deluxe Edition)MP3*****1:02:33
Jerry GoldsmithThe Omen III: The Final ConflictMP31990not rated48:55
Jerry GoldsmithThe playersMP3not rated44:33
Jerry GoldsmithThe Prize (FSM)MP31963not rated1:16:01
Jerry GoldsmithThe Reincarnation of Peter ProudMP3* 1/21:02:45
Jerry GoldsmithThe River WildCDnot rated38:57
Jerry GoldsmithThe SalamanderMP3not rated42:39
Jerry GoldsmithThe Sand PebblesFLAC1966*****1:49:27
Jerry GoldsmithThe Sand Pebbles (The Deluxe Edition)FLAC1966*****1:16:43
Jerry GoldsmithThe Secret of NIMHCD1982not rated48:30

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