1. winnetou riding - reiten von winnetou | not rated | 0:42 |
2. main theme - große titelmusik | not rated | 2:21 |
3. old firehand appears - auftritt old firehand | not rated | 0:31 |
4. indian attack - indianer-überfall | not rated | 0:41 |
5. fight at close range - nahkampf | not rated | 1:09 |
6. escaping bandits - fliehende banditen | not rated | 0:30 |
7. old firehand at the grave - old firehand am grab | not rated | 1:05 |
8. father and son - vater und sohn | not rated | 2:01 |
9. flung knife kills mexican - messerwurf tötet mexikaner | not rated | 0:38 |
10. horse with killed mexican comes into the camp - pferd mit getötetem mexikaner kommt ins lager | not rated | 1:11 |
11. old firehand meets his old love - old firehand trifft seine alte liebe | not rated | 1:52 |
12. young love - junge liebe | not rated | 1:09 |
13. on the street at night - nachts auf der strasse | not rated | 1:13 |
14. after the rescue/cantina - nach befreiung/cantina | not rated | 0:35 |
15. derks kills settler - derks tötet siedler | not rated | 0:27 |
16. dead caravan returns - tote karawane kommt zurück | not rated | 0:59 |
17. caravan/gangsters - karawane/gangster | not rated | 0:56 |
18. texans before the explosion - texaner vor der explosion | not rated | 0:24 |
19. battle for miramonte - kampf um miramonte | not rated | 2:19 |
20. at the next morning - am nächsten morgen | not rated | 1:53 |
21. young love - junge liebe | not rated | 0:56 |
22. stillness before the storm in miramonte - ruhe vor dem sturm in miramonte | not rated | 3:51 |
23. attack 1 - angriff 1 | not rated | 1:03 |
24. attack 2 - angriff 2 | not rated | 1:05 |
25. after the explosion - nach der explosion | not rated | 0:30 |
26. young love - junge liebe | not rated | 0:55 |
27. sailers escapes - sailers flüchtet | not rated | 0:38 |
28. pursuit goes on - verfolgung geht weiter | not rated | 0:47 |
29. at tom's tomb - am grab toms | not rated | 1:25 |
30. old firehand embraces - old firehand umarmt | not rated | 0:38 |
31. end title - schluß opus | not rated | 0:57 |
35:37 |
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