John Barry
The Whisperers/Equus

John Barry - The Whisperers/Equus

  • Release date: 1967
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:10:20
  • *****
  • Added July 8, 2011
  • Played July 8, 2011
  • Rated July 8, 2011


1. Main Title - The Whisperersnot rated2:48
2. Sticks And Stonesnot rated2:52
3. The Three Attackersnot rated2:28
4. Nobody And Nothingnot rated3:26
5. Nobody And Nothing - Jazznot rated4:02
6. The Letternot rated3:57
7. The Razor Attacknot rated1:57
8. We Danced Home Againnot rated3:04
9. You're On Your Own Againnot rated2:48
10. Are You There? - End Titlenot rated3:27
11. Richard Rodney Bennett - Main Title/The Hospitalnot rated3:13
12. Richard Rodney Bennett - The Beach/The Picturesnot rated3:49
13. Richard Rodney Bennett - The Stablesnot rated4:47
14. Richard Rodney Bennett - The Field Of Ha Hanot rated3:57
15. Richard Rodney Bennett - The Stabbingnot rated2:41
16. Richard Rodney Bennett - Epilognot rated4:08
17. Richard Burton - Monologue 1not rated2:51
18. Richard Burton - Monologue 2not rated2:14
19. Richard Burton - Monologue 3not rated1:29
20. Richard Burton & Peter Firth - Monologue 4not rated3:48
21. Richard Burton - Monologue 5not rated3:26
22. Richard Burton - Monologue 6not rated3:08

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