Mark Mckenzie
The Great Miracle / El Gran Milagro

Mark Mckenzie - The Great Miracle / El Gran Milagro

  • Release date: 2011
  • Genre: Classical
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 40:34
  • *****
  • Added April 11, 2011
  • Played April 11, 2011
  • Rated April 11, 2011


1. Entering the Cathedralnot rated2:20
2. Call of the Spiritnot rated2:36
3. Angels, Demons and Prayernot rated5:33
4. Reclaiming Faithnot rated3:13
5. Benedictus Deusnot rated1:37
6. You'll Seenot rated1:16
7. Offeringsnot rated2:27
8. Ask for What You Wantnot rated1:43
9. I Miss Younot rated3:34
10. Ultimate Lovenot rated4:45
11. A Clean Soulnot rated3:03
12. Go in Peacenot rated4:04
13. That Beautiful Smilenot rated2:36
14. Ascension / Gloria Patrinot rated1:47

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