Michael J. Lewis
The Romantic Splendour of Wales

Michael J. Lewis - The Romantic Splendour of Wales

  • Release date: 1997
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:13:18
  • *****
  • Added February 2, 2008
  • Played June 23, 2012
  • Rated August 9, 2011


1. Llongau Caernarvonnot rated6:16
2. 'Gweddi Plentynnot rated3:35
3. Y March Glasnot rated1:28
4. Lisa Lannot rated4:55
5. Cyfri'r Geifrnot rated1:08
6. Dawns y Glocsennot rated2:37
7. Cwyn Mam-y'-Nghyfraithnot rated1:43
8. Dafydd y Garreg Wennot rated4:34
9. Y Delyn Aurnot rated6:43
10. Y Ferch o'r Sgernot rated2:16
11. Tiwn Sol Ffanot rated2:40
12. Ar Lan y Mornot rated4:55
13. Tros y Garregnot rated3:27
14. Ar Ben Waun Tredegarnot rated3:54
15. Ble'r wyt Ti yn Myned?not rated4:11
16. Ar y Ffordd wrth Fynd i Rymninot rated1:46
17. Adlewyrchiadaunot rated6:00
18. Suo Gannot rated4:40
19. Bore Sul o Wanwyn Heulog yng Nghymrunot rated2:02
20. Tan y Bwlchnot rated4:28

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