Immediate Music
Immediate Music - Orchestra and Choir

Immediate Music - Immediate Music - Orchestra and Choir

  • Genre: Trailer Music/Trailer
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 2:30:16
  • not rated
  • Added January 11, 2008
  • Played January 11, 2008


1. Lacrimosanot rated2:16
2. Lacrimosa NCnot rated2:15
3. Avengernot rated1:58
4. Avenger NCnot rated1:58
5. Archangelnot rated2:06
6. Archangel NCnot rated2:07
7. Judgement Daynot rated2:28
8. Liberation!not rated1:46
9. Liberation! NCnot rated1:44
10. Spiritus Elektrosnot rated2:14
11. All Hell Breaks Loosenot rated1:21
12. All Hell Breaks Loose NCnot rated1:21
13. Monolithnot rated1:48
14. Fahrenheitnot rated2:06
15. Fahrenheit NCnot rated2:05
16. Ultimatumnot rated2:00
17. Ultimatum NCnot rated2:00
18. Redrum 3not rated1:19
19. Redrum 3 NCnot rated1:07
20. Imperativanot rated2:24
21. Imperativa ncnot rated1:55
22. Final Omen 2.0not rated1:00
23. Final Omen 2.0 NCnot rated1:00
24. The Gatheringnot rated1:40
25. The Gathering NCnot rated1:40
26. Blasphemy 2.0not rated1:11
27. Blasphemy 2.0 NCnot rated1:11
28. Witch Huntnot rated1:36
29. Grand Inquisitionnot rated0:51
30. Mercutionot rated1:39
31. The Black Legendnot rated1:36
32. The Black Legend NCnot rated1:36
33. Off to Neverlandnot rated1:37
34. King for a Daynot rated1:20
35. King for a Day NCnot rated1:20
36. The Magician's Apprenticenot rated1:32
37. Spirit of Adventurenot rated1:33
38. Voyagernot rated1:37
39. Voyager NCnot rated1:37
40. League of Justicenot rated1:20
41. League of Justice NCnot rated1:19
42. Orch and Choir Rise 1not rated0:18
43. Orch and Choir Rise 2not rated0:35
44. Orch and Choir Rise 3not rated0:25
45. Orch and Choir Rise 4not rated0:26
46. Orch and Choir Rise 5not rated0:21
47. Orch 100 Rise 1not rated0:30
48. Orch 100 Rise 2not rated0:20
49. Orch 100 Rise 3not rated0:19
50. Orch 100 Rise 4not rated0:19
51. Sixty Voices Rise 1not rated0:32
52. Sixty Voices Rise 2not rated0:18
53. Sixty Voices Rise 3not rated0:21
54. Sixty Voices Rise 4not rated0:07
55. Orch Descent 1not rated0:20
56. Orch & Choir Descent 1not rated0:19
1. Crusadenot rated4:34
2. Crusade NCnot rated4:34
3. Love and Warnot rated2:23
4. Love and War NCnot rated2:23
5. Serenetanot rated2:52
6. Sereneta NCnot rated2:52
7. Birth of a Nationnot rated2:28
8. Birth of a Nation NCnot rated2:28
9. Holynot rated2:56
10. Holy NCnot rated2:56
11. Euphratesnot rated2:52
12. Euphrates NCnot rated2:52
13. The Promised Landnot rated2:28
14. Hymnnot rated1:30
15. Hymn Cnot rated1:06
16. Hidden Fortressnot rated1:42
17. Hidden Fortress NCnot rated1:41
18. Proud Nationnot rated3:23
19. Coronationnot rated1:49
20. Coronation NCnot rated1:49
21. Preludenot rated3:42
22. Prelude NCnot rated3:40
23. Liberty Shieldnot rated2:13
24. Redemptionnot rated2:27
25. Redemption NCnot rated2:12
26. Worlds Apartnot rated1:54
27. The Questnot rated1:59
28. The Quest NCnot rated1:59
29. Return to Willowbrooknot rated2:02
30. Salvationnot rated2:27

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