Clint Mansell
Sahara (Complete)

Clint Mansell - Sahara (Complete)

  • Format: MP3
  • not rated
  • Added January 11, 2008
  • Played August 13, 2010


1. 01 Ironcladnot rated0:00
2. 02 Boy Sits Upnot rated0:00
3. 03 Dirk on Dinghy Beach Attacknot rated0:00
4. 04 Museum Partnot rated0:00
5. 05 Boat Montagenot rated0:00
6. 06 Talkin' 'Bout Monterynot rated0:00
7. 07 Up Rivernot rated0:00
8. 08 Kazimnot rated0:00
9. 09 Boat Chase Part Inot rated0:00
10. 10 Boat Chase Part IInot rated0:00
11. 11 Night Arrival in Asselarnot rated0:00
12. 12 Eva Down the Wellnot rated0:00
13. 13 Kazim Shoots Hoppernot rated0:00
14. 14 Fight in Asselarnot rated0:00
15. 15 Ambushnot rated0:00
16. 16 Tuareg Hospital Poisonnot rated0:00
17. 17 Sandecker & Karl-Dirk & Modibonot rated0:00
18. 18 Ironclad in Cavenot rated0:00
19. 19 Dersert Solar Plantnot rated0:00
20. 20 Trainnot rated0:00
21. 21 In the Solar Plantnot rated0:00
22. 22 Massarde in Officenot rated0:00
23. 23 Dirk & Al Off the Trunknot rated0:00
1. 01 Kazim Massardenot rated0:00
2. 02 Desert Heatnot rated0:00
3. 03 Land Yachtnot rated0:00
4. 04 Dirk Talks with Modibonot rated0:00
5. 05 Plant is Going to Blownot rated0:00
6. 06 Burn Towernot rated0:00
7. 07 Eva & Dirk on Towernot rated0:00
8. 08 Bomb Aleey Ironclad Attacknot rated0:00
9. 09 Stay with Menot rated0:00

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