James Newton Howard
Dinosaur (Complete)

James Newton Howard - Dinosaur (Complete)

  • Release date: 2000
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:25:09
  • *****
  • Added November 4, 2007
  • Played August 28, 2010
  • Rated August 28, 2010


1. 01. Inner Sanctumnot rated1:36
2. 01. Aladar Moves The Herdnot rated2:44
3. 02. The Nesting Groundsnot rated1:45
4. 02. Misfits Find Brutonnot rated1:52
5. 03. The Attacknot rated1:18
6. 03. The Cavenot rated3:38
7. 04. The Egg Travelsnot rated2:43
8. 04. The Carnotaur Attacknot rated3:51
9. 05. The Egg Hatchesnot rated3:48
10. 05. Neera Rescues The Orphansnot rated1:07
11. 06. Playing Monsternot rated1:29
12. 06. Dead Endnot rated1:05
13. 07. Zini Rehearsesnot rated0:44
14. Breakoutnot rated2:45
15. 08. The Courtshipnot rated4:15
16. 08. It Comes With A Poolnot rated3:04
17. 09. The End Of Our Islandnot rated4:00
18. 09. Kron And Aladar Fightnot rated2:55
19. 10. They´re All Gonenot rated2:10
20. 10. Carnotaur Standoffnot rated4:50
21. 11. Raptors - Aladar Meets The Herdnot rated4:23
22. 11. Epiloguenot rated2:29
23. 12. Pushing And Shovingnot rated0:38
24. 12. Inner Sanctum [Bonus Track]not rated2:54
25. 13. Aladar Meets The Misfitsnot rated3:25
26. 13. Raptors Stand [Bonus Track]not rated5:28
27. 14. Herd Preparesnot rated2:33
28. 15. Across The Desertnot rated2:30
29. 16. Finding Waternot rated4:21
30. 17. Enough For Everyonenot rated1:28
31. 18. Aladar And Neeranot rated3:21

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