John Frizzell
Dante's Peak (Complete)

John Frizzell - Dante's Peak (Complete)

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:24:37
  • not rated
  • Added August 29, 2007
  • Played November 21, 2008


1. [01] - dante's peak themenot rated5:22
2. [02] - main titlesnot rated5:23
3. [03] - welcome to dante's peaknot rated1:05
4. [04] - swinging from the ropesnot rated0:52
5. [05] - poached loversnot rated0:49
6. [06] - the mountainnot rated0:36
7. [07] - measuring alkalinitynot rated1:49
8. [08] - kids close callnot rated1:47
9. [09] - paul confronts harrynot rated2:58
10. [10] - bubbling waternot rated0:29
11. [11] - flirtingnot rated0:45
12. [12] - helicopter ridenot rated1:49
13. [13] - talking on the porchnot rated2:36
14. [14] - robot adventurenot rated0:31
15. [15] - terry in the craternot rated5:53
16. [16] - frog soupnot rated1:15
17. [17] - coffee talknot rated2:41
18. [18] - dirty waternot rated4:17
1. [01] - mass exodusnot rated4:16
2. [02] - helicopter crashnot rated2:38
3. [03] - rock slidenot rated1:53
4. [04] - in the cabinnot rated2:38
5. [05] - acid lakenot rated3:20
6. [06] - grandma gets burnednot rated3:20
7. [07] - grandma diesnot rated1:51
8. [08] - jump start trucknot rated2:51
9. [09] - paul diesnot rated2:25
10. [10] - ruffy gets rescuednot rated2:29
11. [11] - devastationnot rated1:55
12. [12] - pyroclastic cloud part 1not rated1:30
13. [13] - pyroclastic cloud part 2not rated1:44
14. [14] - so long harrynot rated0:35
15. [15] - the minenot rated1:20
16. [16] - the mine collapsenot rated3:57
17. [17] - mine - rescue - fly awaynot rated4:58

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