David Newman
Serenity (2CD Expanded)

David Newman - Serenity (2CD Expanded)

  • Genre: 255
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:47:10
  • not rated
  • Added August 22, 2007
  • Played October 8, 2009


1. 01 - into the river - escaping.mp3not rated4:43
2. 02 - it's love, not madness.mp3not rated0:50
3. 03 - this is a good death.mp3not rated3:15
4. 04 - serenity.mp3not rated0:53
5. 05 - going for a ride.mp3not rated2:25
6. 06 - trading station robbery.mp3not rated3:30
7. 07 - reavers chase.mp3not rated5:13
8. 08 - is he okay.mp3not rated0:17
9. 09 - they never lie down.mp3not rated0:42
10. 10 - inara - beaumonde.mp3not rated1:25
11. 11 - inara - beaumonde (alt).mp3not rated1:24
12. 12 - the_bar.mp3not rated2:15
13. 13 - river goes wild.mp3not rated1:28
14. 15 - a gorram time bomb.mp3not rated0:13
15. 16 - can i see her.mp3not rated0:47
16. 17 - mr. universe.mp3not rated0:29
17. 18 - subliminal message.mp3not rated1:11
18. 19 - river and simon in locker.mp3not rated1:00
19. 19 - safe haven.mp3not rated1:26
20. 21 - dream #1.mp3not rated0:34
21. 22 - inara calls mal.mp3not rated0:28
22. 23 - off to see inara.mp3not rated1:00
23. 24 - civilized resolution.mp3not rated1:58
24. 25 - flash bomb escape.mp3not rated0:56
25. 26 - dream #2.mp3not rated1:36
26. 27 - river escapes.mp3not rated2:08
27. 28 - miranda.mp3not rated0:31
28. 29 - haven destroyed.mp3not rated0:56
29. 30 - shepered book's last words.mp3not rated1:00
30. 31 - all our friends.mp3not rated0:36
31. 32 - your not a reaver!.mp3not rated0:57
32. 33 - mal decides.mp3not rated3:09
33. Population Deadnot rated3:56
34. 35 - truth - mal's speech.mp3not rated3:27
1. 01 - fire - space battle - crash landing.mp3not rated6:37
2. 02 - space battle - crash landing (alt).mp3not rated5:19
3. Run to Blacknot rated5:23
4. Generator Room - Mal & Op Fight (Alt)not rated5:16
5. Generator Room - Mal & Op Fightnot rated5:17
6. Mal & Op Fight (Unused)not rated1:58
7. Jayne & Zoe - Final Battle (Alt)not rated2:51
8. Jayne & Zoe - Final Battlenot rated2:47
9. Final Battle (Edit)not rated1:56
10. Final Battle - Funeral (Edit)not rated3:59
11. Funeral - Rebuilding Serenitynot rated2:03
12. Prep for a Flightnot rated1:33
13. Lovenot rated1:08
14. Ending Creditsnot rated1:38
15. Serenity Guitar Theme (Unused)not rated2:03
16. Jayne Plays the Guitarnot rated0:44

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