Wojciech Kilar
The Ninth Gate [Complete Score]

Wojciech Kilar - The Ninth Gate [Complete Score]

  • Release date: 2004
  • Genre: Score/Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:02:20
  • not rated
  • Added August 15, 2007
  • Played August 15, 2007


1. Theatrical Trailernot rated1:39
2. Main Titlenot rated3:31
3. Dean Corsonot rated0:50
4. The Balkan Press Buildingnot rated0:32
5. First Perusalnot rated0:33
6. The Girl at the Librarynot rated2:45
7. Menacenot rated0:25
8. Liana Telfernot rated3:00
9. Liana Berserknot rated0:25
10. Corso Finds Bernienot rated2:28
11. Corso's Flightnot rated0:43
12. Second Perusalnot rated0:27
13. The Girl on the Trainnot rated1:42
14. Interrupted Solonot rated0:20
15. Comparing Editionsnot rated1:58
16. Road Menacenot rated0:44
17. The Girl in the Hotel Lobbynot rated1:47
18. Telephone Callnot rated0:43
19. Fargas' Bodynot rated0:31
20. The Burning Booknot rated0:30
21. Third Perusal & Walk to Kessler'snot rated1:22
22. Waiting Out the Stalkernot rated1:06
23. The Stalker & the Girlnot rated1:32
24. Bloody Nosenot rated1:12
25. Hiding the Booknot rated1:51
26. Frieda Kessler's Booknot rated2:42
27. Book in Flamesnot rated0:29
28. The Book is Gonenot rated0:30
29. The Telfer Woman!not rated1:13
30. Following Mrs Telfernot rated1:10
31. St Martinnot rated4:11
32. The Blond Man's Demisenot rated1:44
33. Boris Kills Liananot rated0:53
34. Pursuing Balkannot rated1:51
35. A Stop at the Innnot rated1:17
36. The Fortressnot rated2:11
37. Balkan's Failurenot rated3:53
38. Consummationnot rated1:36
39. The Engravingnot rated0:36
40. Corso's Rewardnot rated1:00
41. Vocalisenot rated3:53
42. Trailer (Denial)not rated0:35

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