John Williams, John Williams
Star Wars The Phantom Menace Complete

John Williams - Star Wars The Phantom Menace Complete

  • Genre: Score
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 4:44:43
  • not rated
  • Added August 15, 2007


1. Alfred Newman - Fox Fanfare (Film Recording)not rated0:23
2. Star Wars (Main Title)not rated1:30
3. Arrival at Naboonot rated2:38
4. Gas Leaknot rated1:18
5. Droid Fightnot rated1:48
6. Queen Amidalanot rated2:35
7. Droid Invasionnot rated1:24
8. Jar Jar - Swim to Otta Gunganot rated2:16
9. Gungan High Councilnot rated2:05
10. Come Along Jar Jarnot rated1:10
11. Passage Through the Planet Corenot rated1:34
12. Darth Sidious - Powers Outnot rated1:19
13. Huge-o Teeth - Attack on Theednot rated1:23
14. Theed Palace Arrivalnot rated2:13
15. You're Under Arrestnot rated1:51
16. Escape from Naboo (Film)not rated2:10
17. Escape from Naboo (Alt Percussion Mix)not rated2:11
18. Now There are two of Themnot rated0:59
19. Arrival at Tatooinenot rated2:36
20. A Little Street Musicnot rated1:18
21. Padme Meets Anakin - Hit the Nosenot rated1:17
22. Desert Windsnot rated1:28
23. Jar Jar's Run in With Sebulbanot rated1:24
24. Home of Anakin Skywalkernot rated1:31
25. C3P0 Comes to Lifenot rated1:09
26. Running out of Time - At Lastnot rated1:09
27. Talk of Podracingnot rated2:55
28. Watto's Dealnot rated0:44
29. Anakin, the Mechanicnot rated1:44
30. Kids at Playnot rated1:41
31. The Racer Roars to Lifenot rated1:27
32. Sith Spacecraftnot rated1:06
33. Mos Espa Arena Bandnot rated0:53
34. Watto's Roll of the Dienot rated2:00
35. Flag Paradenot rated1:33
36. Ark 'Bumpy' Roose Fanfare (Source)not rated0:15
37. Flag Parade (First Run)not rated2:19
38. The Race Beginsnot rated1:49
39. Sebulbas Evil Deed (Tatooine Percussion)not rated0:54
40. Pod Racing (Tatooine Percussion)not rated1:52
41. Hail to the Winnernot rated1:13
42. Mos Espa Folk Songnot rated1:13
43. Anakin is Freenot rated5:08
44. Sith Approachnot rated0:22
45. It Was a Sithnot rated1:26
46. It was a Sith (First Run)not rated1:47
1. Crisis on Naboonot rated1:09
2. Japor Snippet - Arrival at Coruscantnot rated2:14
3. To the Senate Buildingnot rated0:48
4. The Queen and Palpatinenot rated0:41
5. High Council Inot rated0:45
6. High Council I (Alternate)not rated0:29
7. High Council IInot rated1:54
8. The Senatenot rated1:25
9. Anakin's Testnot rated1:01
10. He is the Chosen Onenot rated1:15
11. Moving Things Alongnot rated0:49
12. Senator, this is Your Arenanot rated0:49
13. Wesa Going Homenot rated3:54
14. Nute and Rune Confer with Sidiousnot rated0:35
15. To Naboonot rated2:33
16. Audience with Boss Nassnot rated2:36
17. War Plansnot rated1:01
18. Padme's Plannot rated1:30
19. Lord Sidius Contactednot rated0:28
20. Gungan March (Original)not rated0:36
21. The Battle Beginsnot rated0:54
22. The Battle of Naboo Inot rated1:15
23. The Battle of Naboo IInot rated1:33
24. Hanger Battlenot rated0:48
25. Darth Maul Revealed (Possible Insert)not rated0:14
26. The Duel Beginsnot rated0:15
27. Anakin Takes offnot rated0:46
28. Duel of the Fates (Unused)not rated2:54
29. The Battle for Naboo IIInot rated2:18
30. Droid Battlenot rated0:27
31. The Great Duelnot rated1:19
32. The Invisable Wallnot rated0:19
33. Gungan Retreatnot rated0:42
34. Anakin's Crash Landingnot rated0:48
35. Qui-Gon's Death (Original)not rated1:27
36. The Caged Animalnot rated0:54
37. Blowing up from the Insidenot rated1:33
38. Blowing Up From the Inside (First Run)not rated1:28
39. Death of Darth Maulnot rated1:37
40. The Queen Confronts Rune- A Jedi, He Will Benot rated1:51
41. Qui-Gon's Funeralnot rated1:18
42. Augies Great Municipal Band (Film Edit)not rated1:27
43. End Credits Intronot rated0:52
44. Anakin's Theme (Album)not rated3:09
45. Duel of the Fates (Album)not rated4:15
46. Tone Poem- Darth Maulnot rated0:31
47. Tone Poem- Padmenot rated0:31
48. Tone Poem- Anakinnot rated0:31
49. Tone Poem- Qui-Gonnot rated0:32
50. Tone Poem- Shminot rated1:01
51. Duel of the Fates (Instrumental)not rated4:06
52. Original End Credits Suitenot rated6:16
1. Alfred Newman - Fox Fanfare (1995 Recording)not rated0:23
2. Main Title (First Run)not rated1:32
3. Queen Amidala (Alt. Orchestration)not rated2:35
4. Gas Leak (Sith Whispers)not rated1:21
5. The Adventures of Jar Jar (Royal Scottish National Orchestra)not rated3:44
6. Come Along Jar Jar (Alternate Take)not rated1:02
7. Theed Palace Arrival (Alternate Take)not rated1:28
8. Sith Spacecraft (Sith Whispers)not rated1:12
9. Sith Spacecraft (Alternate Ending)not rated0:20
10. A Weekend Spaceship Filmnot rated1:02
11. Keeping in Touch with Georgenot rated0:46
12. 20 Years Onnot rated1:13
13. Anakins Themenot rated0:53
14. Anakins Theme (Alt. Recording)not rated2:37
15. Anakin the Mechanic (Alternate Take)not rated1:25
16. Kids at Play (First Run)not rated1:23
17. The Audience is Listeningnot rated1:26
18. The Flag Parade (Royal Scottish National Orchestra)not rated3:29
19. The Race Begins (Alt Recording)not rated0:29
20. Sebulbas Evil Deed (Alternate)not rated0:53
21. Pod Racing (Alternate)not rated1:53
22. It Was a Sith (Sith Whispers)not rated1:49
23. Crisis on Naboo (Alternate Ending)not rated1:11
24. A Unique Opportunitynot rated0:43
25. Storytellingnot rated0:42
26. Great Expectationsnot rated0:34
27. Communitynot rated0:55
28. Moving Things Along (Alt. Orchestration)not rated0:49
29. Senator, this is Your Arena (Alternate Ending)not rated0:44
30. Wesa Going Home (Film Run)not rated4:29
31. Audience with Bass Nass (Partial Alternate Take)not rated1:14
32. Gungan March (Perc)not rated0:32
33. Gungan March (Film)not rated0:35
34. The Working Processnot rated0:51
35. Opening the Doorsnot rated1:08
36. New Ingredientsnot rated0:37
37. Duel of the Fatesnot rated1:00
38. Under the Tongue Rootnot rated1:55
39. It's all Sanskrit to Menot rated1:29
40. Duel of the Fates (Unknown Alternate)not rated2:15
41. Composing for a Silent Filmnot rated0:56
42. Hinting at Things to Comenot rated1:04
43. The Original Bandnot rated1:03
44. 15 Minutes a Daynot rated0:34
45. The Sum of the Partsnot rated0:56
46. Capturing a Moment in Timenot rated1:18
47. The Battle for Naboo I (First Run)not rated1:15
48. The Battle for Naboo II (First Run)not rated1:32
49. Battle for Naboo II (Partial Alternate Take)not rated0:15
50. Duel of the Fates (Film Alternate)not rated4:00
51. Anakin Takes Off (First Run)not rated0:44
52. The Battle for Naboo III (First Run)not rated2:14
53. Anakin's Crash Landing (Alternate)not rated0:48
54. The Final CDnot rated1:14
55. Run in with Jar Jarnot rated0:12
56. Qui-Gon's Death (Film Alternate)not rated1:27
57. Qui-Gon's Funeral (First Run)not rated1:15
58. Victory Celebration (Album)not rated1:27
1. Main Titlenot rated5:42
2. John Williams concert talknot rated0:55
3. Flag Paradenot rated3:20
4. Anakins Themenot rated2:53
5. Duel of the Fatesnot rated4:18
6. The Flag Parade (Prague)not rated3:18
7. Film Music (DVD Feturette)not rated4:42
8. Listen to the Music (DVD Feturette)not rated2:59
9. Duel of the Fates (Dialogue Version)not rated4:21
10. Arrival at Coruscant (Alternate Percussion Track)not rated0:23
11. The Senate (Alternate Take)not rated1:26
12. To Naboo (Alternate Ending)not rated0:12
13. Battle For Naboo II (Alternate Take)not rated1:34
14. The Story of Episode I - As Told By C3P0not rated14:43
15. Victory Celebration - Film End Creditsnot rated7:42

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