Dimitri Tiomkin
More Music-Fall of the Roman Empire

Dimitri Tiomkin - More Music-Fall of the Roman Empire

  • Genre: Unknown
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 44:31
  • not rated
  • Added July 14, 2007


1. Fanfares and Flourishes*not rated0:51
2. Preludenot rated2:43
3. Dawn on the Northern Frontier*not rated2:17
4. Livius' Arrival*not rated1:02
5. Old Acquaintances*not rated4:32
6. Pax Romananot rated5:13
7. The Dawn of Lovenot rated2:20
8. Decoy Patrol*not rated0:58
9. Battle in the Forest*/Reinforcementsnot rated3:51
10. The Funeral of Marcus Aureliusnot rated2:34
11. The Roman Forum/By Jove & Intermission Title*not rated5:26
12. Intermezzo:Livius & Lucilla*not rated2:19
13. Conflict in the Caverns*not rated1:46
14. Aftermath & The Journey to Rome*not rated2:27
15. The Army Enters Rome*/The New God*/The Challenge*not rated4:04
16. Finalenot rated2:08

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