Alexandre Desplat
The Queen

Alexandre Desplat - The Queen

  • Release date: 2006
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 44:19
  • not rated
  • Added July 14, 2007
  • Played November 28, 2008


1. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/The Queennot rated2:09
2. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/Hills of Scotlandnot rated2:25
3. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/People's Princess 1not rated4:08
4. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/A New Prime Ministernot rated1:55
5. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/H.R.H.not rated2:22
6. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/The Stagnot rated1:50
7. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/Mourningnot rated3:50
8. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/Elizabeth & Tonynot rated2:04
9. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/River of Sorrownot rated1:59
10. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/The Flowers of Buckinghamnot rated2:28
11. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/The Queen Drivesnot rated1:48
12. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/Night in Balmoralnot rated1:09
13. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/Tony & Elizabethnot rated2:04
14. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/People's Princess 2not rated4:08
15. Alexandre Desplat - The Queen/Queen of Heartsnot rated3:33
16. BBC Singers/Lynne Dawson, Verdi - Messa Per Rossini/Libera Menot rated6:27

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