Miklos Rozsa
Miklos Rozsa: Film Music Vol. 1

Miklos Rozsa - Miklos Rozsa: Film Music Vol. 1

  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: CD
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 1:09:49
  • not rated
  • Added May 13, 2007


1. The Christ Themenot rated2:13
2. Star of Bethlehemnot rated2:15
3. The Nativitynot rated3:02
4. Kings of Bethlehemnot rated4:55
5. Adoration of the Maginot rated1:45
6. Blessed Marynot rated2:12
7. The Mother's Lovenot rated4:11
8. The Prayer of Our Lordnot rated2:25
9. The Sermon on the Mountnot rated4:35
10. The Way of the Crossnot rated4:29
11. Pietanot rated5:18
12. King of Kingsnot rated2:40
13. The Power - Preludenot rated2:49
14. Death in the Centrifugenot rated4:24
15. The Merry-Go-Roundnot rated2:28
16. Viva l'Amournot rated2:53
17. Nocturnal Attacknot rated1:38
18. Gypsy Themenot rated2:32
19. The Pursuitnot rated3:48
20. Babble Pitnot rated2:42
21. The Transformationnot rated3:52
22. The Killer Killed - Finalenot rated2:34

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