Franz Waxman
Legends of Hollywood, Vol. 1

Franz Waxman - Legends of Hollywood, Vol. 1

  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: CD
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 1:09:21
  • not rated
  • Added May 17, 2007


1. Task Forcenot rated0:50
2. Objective, Burma!not rated12:08
3. Come Back, Little Shebanot rated5:36
4. Peyton Placenot rated9:42
5. The Paradine Casenot rated12:23
6. The Horn Blows at Midnightnot rated6:47
7. Sorry, Wrong Numbernot rated7:04
8. Demetrius and the Gladiatorsnot rated14:47

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