James Horner

James Horner - Braveheart

  • Release date: 1995
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: CD
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 1:17:53
  • *****
  • Added May 8, 2007
  • Rated February 9, 2009


1. Main Titlenot rated2:51
2. A Gift of a Thistlenot rated1:37
3. Wallace Courts Murronnot rated4:25
4. The Secret Weddingnot rated6:33
5. Attack on Murronnot rated3:00
6. Revengenot rated6:23
7. Murron's Burialnot rated2:13
8. Making Plans - Gathering the Clansnot rated1:51
9. 'Sons of Scotland'not rated6:20
10. The Battle of Stirlingnot rated5:57
11. The Love of a Princessnot rated4:07
12. Falkirknot rated4:04
13. Betrayal & Desolationnot rated7:48
14. Mornay's Dreamnot rated1:15
15. The Legend Spreadsnot rated1:09
16. The Princess Pleads For Wallace's Lifenot rated3:37
17. 'Freedom' - The Execution Bannockburnnot rated7:24
18. End Creditsnot rated7:12

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