1. Sam Cardon - Come Unto Him | not rated | 4:02 |
2. Don Stirling and Kurt Bestor - My Holy House | not rated | 3:22 |
3. Merrill Jenson - The Whole Armor Of God | not rated | 2:49 |
4. Arlen L. Card - I Remember Thee | not rated | 1:58 |
5. Merrill Jenson - Make You Whole | not rated | 4:38 |
6. Sam Cardon - Godly Sorrow | not rated | 2:46 |
7. Merrill Jenson - Themes from "The Just Shall Live By Faith" | not rated | 3:44 |
8. Kurt Betor - Grace: Daily Assistance | not rated | 1:55 |
9. Sam Cardon - Theme from "The Law Of The Harvest" | not rated | 3:13 |
10. Kurt Bestor - Theme from "The Body Is A Temple" | not rated | 1:00 |
11. Ron Simpson - Feed My Sheep | not rated | 2:09 |
12. Merrill Jenson - Battle Sequence from "The Whole Armor Of God" | not rated | 1:00 |
13. Arlen L. Card - Theme 1 from "The Sacrament" | not rated | 1:35 |
14. Arlen L. Card - Combined themes from "Parables" | not rated | 3:05 |
15. Arlen L. Card - Theme 2 from "The Sacrament" | not rated | 1:08 |
16. Kurt Bestor - Grace: The Bicycle | not rated | 1:27 |
17. Sam Cardon - Theme from "Long-Promised Day" | not rated | 3:30 |
18. Merrill Jenson - Underscore from "Paul - A Chosen Vessel" | not rated | 2:50 |
19. Arlen L. Card - Theme 3 from "The Sacrament" | not rated | 0:41 |
20. Arlen L. Card - Underscore from "the Book of Revelation" | not rated | 1:00 |
21. Kurt Bestor - Themes from "To This End Was I Born" | not rated | 3:35 |
22. Sam Cardon - Come Unto Him | not rated | 4:01 |
23. Kurt Bestor - My Holy House | not rated | 3:22 |
24. Merrill Jenson - The Whole Armor Of God | not rated | 2:50 |
25. Sam Cardon - Godly Sorrow | not rated | 2:44 |
| 1:04:36 |
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