Merrill Jenson
Come Unto Christ - The Conversion of Alma the Younger

Merrill Jenson - Come Unto Christ - The Conversion of Alma the Younger

  • Release date: 1999
  • Genre: Gospel
  • Format: CD
  • Category: folk
  • Duration: 1:05:25
  • not rated
  • Added May 7, 2007


1. Have Ye Received His Image in Your Countenancenot rated7:12
2. Come Unto Me and Ye Shall Partakenot rated3:58
3. Alma the Younger Hears the Words of His Fathernot rated4:10
4. Bear One Another's Burdensnot rated2:46
5. The Messenger of the Lordnot rated6:13
6. Alma the Younger Is Called to Repentancenot rated4:39
7. May the Spirit of the Lordnot rated5:21
8. Racked With Eternal Tormentnot rated5:58
9. Gloria: Oh, What Joynot rated3:49
10. The Trump of Godnot rated1:25
11. O That I Were An Angelnot rated3:52
12. Fathers to Sonsnot rated7:28
13. He Is The Life and Lightnot rated2:57
14. Come Unto Christnot rated5:33

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