Erich Kunzel
Mancini's Greatest Hits

Erich Kunzel - Mancini's Greatest Hits

  • Release date: 1989
  • Genre: Jazz
  • Format: CD
  • Category: jazz
  • Duration: 1:08:00
  • not rated
  • Added May 12, 2007


1. Theme from The Pink Panthernot rated2:36
2. Moon Rivernot rated2:53
3. Days of Wine and Rosesnot rated2:03
4. It Had Better Be Tonightnot rated2:02
5. Artic Whale Huntnot rated4:00
6. Theme from Mr. Luckynot rated2:17
7. Theme from Hatarinot rated3:24
8. Theme from the Thorn Birdsnot rated3:09
9. Charadenot rated2:22
10. Moment to Momentnot rated2:42
11. Symphonic Soulnot rated2:25
12. Drummer's Delightnot rated3:15
13. March from the Great Waldo Peppernot rated2:24
14. Two for the Roadnot rated3:09
15. Theme from the Molly MaGuiresnot rated3:05
16. Dear Heartnot rated2:35
17. Theme from Breakfast at Tiffany'snot rated2:42
18. Speedy Gonzalesnot rated1:43
19. Punch and Judynot rated2:03
20. March with Mancininot rated5:07
21. Baby Elephant Walknot rated2:28
22. Peter Gunnnot rated2:26
23. Strings on Firenot rated2:04
24. Finale from Victor - Victorianot rated4:55

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