Lex de Azevedo
Spirit of God

Lex de Azevedo - Spirit of God

  • Genre: Other
  • Format: CD
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 30:34
  • not rated
  • Added May 7, 2007


1. The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is Burningnot rated3:47
2. The Lord's Prayernot rated3:05
3. There Is an Hour of Peace and Restnot rated3:54
4. I Stand All Amazednot rated3:50
5. Jesus, My Savior Truenot rated2:00
6. Praise the Lordnot rated2:30
7. Dear to the Heart of the Shepherdnot rated3:36
8. All Creatures of Our God and Kingnot rated2:40
9. Hear Us, Heavenly Fathernot rated2:24
10. Onward, Christian Soldiersnot rated2:42

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