John Williams
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (expanded)

John Williams - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (expanded)

  • Genre: Soundtrack (Orchestral)
  • Format: CD
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 55:11
  • not rated
  • Added May 5, 2007


1. 01. Opening Logo - The Arrival Of Baby Harrynot rated4:43
2. 02 - Visit To The ZOOnot rated3:01
3. 03 - 'Who'd Be Writting To You'not rated1:38
4. 04 - Owls And Lettersnot rated1:44
5. 05 - Diagon Alleynot rated1:09
6. 06. Diagon Alley (alternate version - 06. Diagon Alley (alternate version)not rated1:27
7. 07. The Gringotts Bank - Vaultnot rated2:46
8. 08. Platform Nine - And-Three-Quarters 3%2f4not rated2:02
9. 09 - Chocolate Frognot rated0:49
10. 10 - The Journey To Hogwartsnot rated2:05
11. 11 - The Sortingnot rated2:31
12. 12 - The Banquetnot rated3:44
13. 13 - Mr. Longbottom Fliesnot rated1:11
14. 14 - Harry vs. Malfoynot rated1:57
15. 15. Hogwarts Forever! (unused - 15. Hogwarts Forever! (unused)not rated1:53
16. 16 - The Moving Stairsnot rated1:58
17. 17. Nimbus 2000 - The Quidditch Matchnot rated9:37
18. 18. 'Who's Nicholas Flamel' - Christmas Treenot rated2:16
19. 19 - Chistmas at Hogwartnot rated1:38
20. 20. Invisible Cloak - Mirror Of Erisednot rated5:39
21. 21 - A Change Of Sesonsnot rated1:13

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